assert.Contains(t,hookDetails.URLs,expectedURL,"should have intercepted URL")
assert.NotEqual(t,0,len(metadataResp),"should not have no results")
expectedTitle:="Alice in Wonderland"
expectedAuthor:="Lewis Carroll"
expectedDesc:="Alice in Wonderland (also known as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland), from 1865, is the peculiar and imaginative tale of a girl who falls down a rabbit-hole into a bizarre world of eccentric and unusual creatures. Lewis Carroll's prominent example of the genre of \"literary nonsense\" has endured in popularity with its clever way of playing with logic and a narrative structure that has influence generations of fiction writing."
assert.Equal(t,expectedTitle,*m.Title,"should have title")
assert.Equal(t,expectedAuthor,*m.Author,"should have author")
assert.Equal(t,expectedDesc,*m.Description,"should have description")
assert.Equal(t,expectedISBN10,*m.ISBN10,"should have ISBN10")
assert.Equal(t,expectedISBN13,*m.ISBN13,"should have ISBN10")