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d="M5.65517 2.22732C5.2225 2.34037 4.9438 2.50021 4.72718 2.71244C4.42179 3.01165 4.22268 3.43172 4.11382 4.225C4.00176 5.04159 4 6.12387 4 7.67568V16.2442C4.38867 15.9781 4.82674 15.7756 5.29899 15.6517C5.41296 15.6217 5.53103 15.5983 5.65517 15.5799V2.22732Z"
d="M7.31034 15.5135C7.32206 15.5135 7.33382 15.5135 7.34563 15.5135L20 15.5135V7.67568C20 6.12387 19.9982 5.04159 19.8862 4.22499C19.7773 3.43172 19.5782 3.01165 19.2728 2.71244C18.9674 2.41324 18.5387 2.21816 17.729 2.11151C16.8955 2.00172 15.7908 2 14.2069 2H9.7931C8.79138 2 7.98133 2.00069 7.31034 2.02897V15.5135Z"
d="M7.47341 17.1351C6.39395 17.1351 6.01657 17.1421 5.72738 17.218C4.93365 17.4264 4.30088 18.0044 4.02952 18.7558C4.0463 19.1382 4.07259 19.4746 4.11382 19.775C4.22268 20.5683 4.42179 20.9884 4.72718 21.2876C5.03258 21.5868 5.46135 21.7818 6.27103 21.8885C7.10452 21.9983 8.2092 22 9.7931 22H14.2069C15.7908 22 16.8955 21.9983 17.729 21.8885C18.5387 21.7818 18.9674 21.5868 19.2728 21.2876C19.5782 20.9884 19.7773 20.5683 19.8862 19.775C19.9776 19.1088 19.9956 18.2657 19.9991 17.1351H7.47341Z"
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<option value="" disabled selected hidden>
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<span class="w-full">Assume Device</span>
class="flex flex-col gap-2 grow p-4 rounded shadow-lg bg-white dark:bg-gray-700 text-gray-500 dark:text-white"
<div class="flex gap-4 flex-col">
<div class="flex flex-col w-full grow">
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d="M5.65517 2.22732C5.2225 2.34037 4.9438 2.50021 4.72718 2.71244C4.42179 3.01165 4.22268 3.43172 4.11382 4.225C4.00176 5.04159 4 6.12387 4 7.67568V16.2442C4.38867 15.9781 4.82674 15.7756 5.29899 15.6517C5.41296 15.6217 5.53103 15.5983 5.65517 15.5799V2.22732Z"
d="M7.31034 15.5135C7.32206 15.5135 7.33382 15.5135 7.34563 15.5135L20 15.5135V7.67568C20 6.12387 19.9982 5.04159 19.8862 4.22499C19.7773 3.43172 19.5782 3.01165 19.2728 2.71244C18.9674 2.41324 18.5387 2.21816 17.729 2.11151C16.8955 2.00172 15.7908 2 14.2069 2H9.7931C8.79138 2 7.98133 2.00069 7.31034 2.02897V15.5135Z"
d="M7.47341 17.1351C6.39395 17.1351 6.01657 17.1421 5.72738 17.218C4.93365 17.4264 4.30088 18.0044 4.02952 18.7558C4.0463 19.1382 4.07259 19.4746 4.11382 19.775C4.22268 20.5683 4.42179 20.9884 4.72718 21.2876C5.03258 21.5868 5.46135 21.7818 6.27103 21.8885C7.10452 21.9983 8.2092 22 9.7931 22H14.2069C15.7908 22 16.8955 21.9983 17.729 21.8885C18.5387 21.7818 18.9674 21.5868 19.2728 21.2876C19.5782 20.9884 19.7773 20.5683 19.8862 19.775C19.9776 19.1088 19.9956 18.2657 19.9991 17.1351H7.47341Z"
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placeholder="New Device Name"
class="px-10 py-2 text-base font-semibold text-center text-white transition duration-200 ease-in bg-black shadow-md hover:text-black hover:bg-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-2"
<span class="w-full">Create Device</span>