local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local T = require("ffi/util").template local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local _ = require("gettext") local logger = require("logger") local md5 = require("ffi/sha2").md5 -- TODO: -- - Handle ReadHistory missing files (statistics.sqlite3, bookinfo_cache.sqlite3) -- - Handle document uploads (Manual push only, warning saying this may take awhile) -- - Configure activity bulk size? 1000, 5000, 10000? Separate manual settings to upload ALL? ------------------------------------------ ------------ Helper Functions ------------ ------------------------------------------ local function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k, v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"' .. k .. '"' end s = s .. '[' .. k .. '] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end local function validate(entry) if not entry then return false end if type(entry) == "string" then if entry == "" or not entry:match("%S") then return false end end return true end local function validateUser(user, pass) local error_message = nil local user_ok = validate(user) local pass_ok = validate(pass) if not user_ok and not pass_ok then error_message = _("invalid username and password") elseif not user_ok then error_message = _("invalid username") elseif not pass_ok then error_message = _("invalid password") end if not error_message then return user_ok and pass_ok else return user_ok and pass_ok, error_message end end ------------------------------------------ -------------- Plugin Start -------------- ------------------------------------------ local MERGE_SETTINGS_IN = "IN" local MERGE_SETTINGS_OUT = "OUT" local STATISTICS_ACTIVITY_SINCE_QUERY = [[ SELECT b.md5 AS document, psd.start_time AS start_time, psd.duration AS duration, psd.page AS current_page, psd.total_pages FROM page_stat_data AS psd JOIN book AS b ON b.id = psd.id_book WHERE start_time > %d ORDER BY start_time ASC LIMIT 1000; ]] local STATISTICS_BOOK_QUERY = [[ SELECT md5, title, authors, series, language FROM book; ]] local BOOKINFO_BOOK_QUERY = [[ SELECT (directory || filename) as filepath, title, authors, series, series_index, language, description FROM bookinfo; ]] -- Validate Device ID Exists if G_reader_settings:hasNot("device_id") then G_reader_settings:saveSetting("device_id", random.uuid()) end -- Define DB Location local statistics_db = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/statistics.sqlite3" local bookinfo_db = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/bookinfo_cache.sqlite3" local SyncNinja = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "syncninja", settings = nil, is_doc_only = false } SyncNinja.default_settings = { server = nil, username = nil, password = nil, sync_frequency = 30, sync_activity = true, sync_documents = true, sync_document_files = true } function SyncNinja:init() logger.dbg("SyncNinja: init") -- Instance Specific (Non Interactive) self.periodic_push_task = function() self:performSync(false) end -- Load Settings self.device_id = G_reader_settings:readSetting("device_id") self.settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("syncninja", self.default_settings) -- Register Menu Items self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) -- Initial Periodic Push Schedule (5 Minutes) self:schedulePeriodicPush(5) end ------------------------------------------ -------------- UX Functions -------------- ------------------------------------------ function SyncNinja:addToMainMenu(menu_items) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: addToMainMenu") menu_items.syncninja = { text = _("Sync Ninja"), sorting_hint = "tools", sub_item_table = { { text = _("Sync Server"), keep_menu_open = true, tap_input_func = function(menu) return { title = _("Sync server address"), input = self.settings.server or "https://", type = "text", callback = function(input) self.settings.server = input ~= "" and input or nil if menu then menu:updateItems() end end } end }, { text_func = function() return self.settings.password and (_("Logout")) or _("Register") .. " / " .. _("Login") end, enabled_func = function() return self.settings.server ~= nil end, keep_menu_open = true, callback_func = function() if self.settings.password then return function(menu) self:logoutUI(menu) end else return function(menu) self:loginUI(menu) end end end }, { text = _("Manual Sync"), keep_menu_open = true, enabled_func = function() return self.settings.password ~= nil and self.settings.username ~= nil and self.settings.server ~= nil end, callback = function() UIManager:unschedule(self.performSync) self:performSync(true) -- Interactive end }, { text = _("KOSync Auth Merge"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("KOSync Merge In"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:mergeKOSync(MERGE_SETTINGS_IN) end }, { text = _("KOSync Merge Out"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() self:mergeKOSync(MERGE_SETTINGS_OUT) end } }, separator = true }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Sync Frequency (%1 Minutes)"), self.settings.sync_frequency or 30) end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ text = _( [[This value determines the cadence at which the syncs will be performed. If set to 0, periodic sync will be disabled.]]), value = self.settings.sync_frequency or 30, value_min = 0, value_max = 1440, value_step = 30, value_hold_step = 60, ok_text = _("Set"), title_text = _("Minutes between syncs"), default_value = 30, callback = function(spin) self.settings.sync_frequency = spin.value > 0 and spin.value or 30 if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end self:schedulePeriodicPush() end } UIManager:show(items) end }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Sync Activity (%1)"), self.settings .sync_activity == true and (_("Enabled")) or (_("Disabled"))) end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Enabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.sync_activity == true end, callback = function() self.settings.sync_activity = true end }, { text = _("Disabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.sync_activity ~= true end, callback = function() self.settings.sync_activity = false end } } }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Sync Documents (%1)"), self.settings .sync_documents == true and (_("Enabled")) or (_("Disabled"))) end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Enabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.sync_documents == true end, callback = function() self.settings.sync_documents = true end }, { text = _("Disabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.sync_documents ~= true end, callback = function() self.settings.sync_documents = false end } } }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Sync Document Files (%1)"), self.settings.sync_documents == true and self.settings.sync_document_files == true and (_("Enabled")) or (_("Disabled"))) end, enabled_func = function() return self.settings.sync_documents == true end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Enabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.sync_document_files == true end, callback = function() self.settings.sync_document_files = true end }, { text = _("Disabled"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.sync_document_files ~= true end, callback = function() self.settings.sync_document_files = false end } } } } } end function SyncNinja:loginUI(menu) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: loginUI") if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:loginUI(menu) end) then return end local dialog dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{ title = _("Register/login to SyncNinja server"), fields = { {text = self.settings.username, hint = "username"}, {hint = "password", text_type = "password"} }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(dialog) end }, { text = _("Login"), callback = function() local username, password = unpack(dialog:getFields()) local ok, err = validateUser(username, password) if not ok then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot login: %1"), err), timeout = 2 }) else UIManager:close(dialog) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:userLogin(username, password, menu) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logging in. Please wait…"), timeout = 1 }) end end }, { text = _("Register"), callback = function() local username, password = unpack(dialog:getFields()) local ok, err = validateUser(username, password) if not ok then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Cannot register: %1"), err), timeout = 2 }) else UIManager:close(dialog) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() self:userRegister(username, password, menu) end) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Registering. Please wait…"), timeout = 1 }) end end } } } } UIManager:show(dialog) dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function SyncNinja:logoutUI(menu) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: logoutUI") self.settings.username = nil self.settings.password = nil if menu then menu:updateItems() end UIManager:unschedule(self.periodic_push_task) end function SyncNinja:mergeKOSync(direction) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: mergeKOSync") local kosync_settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("kosync") if kosync_settings == nil then return end if direction == MERGE_SETTINGS_OUT then -- Validate Configured if not self.settings.server or not self.settings.username or not self.settings.password then return UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Error: SyncNinja not configured") }) end kosync_settings.custom_server = self.settings.server .. (self.settings.server:sub(-#"/") == "/" and "api/ko" or "/api/ko") kosync_settings.username = self.settings.username kosync_settings.userkey = self.settings.password UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = _("Synced to KOSync")}) elseif direction == MERGE_SETTINGS_IN then -- Validate Configured if not kosync_settings.custom_server or not kosync_settings.username or not kosync_settings.userkey then return UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Error: KOSync not configured") }) end -- Validate Compatible Server if kosync_settings.custom_server:sub(-#"/api/ko") ~= "/api/ko" and kosync_settings.custom_server:sub(-#"/api/ko/") ~= "/api/ko/" then return UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Error: Configured KOSync server not compatible") }) end self.settings.server = string.gsub(kosync_settings.custom_server, "/api/ko/?$", "") self.settings.username = kosync_settings.username self.settings.password = kosync_settings.userkey UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = _("Synced from KOSync")}) end end ------------------------------------------ ------------- Login Functions ------------ ------------------------------------------ function SyncNinja:userLogin(username, password, menu) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: userLogin") if not self.settings.server then return end local SyncNinjaClient = require("SyncNinjaClient") local client = SyncNinjaClient:new{ custom_url = self.settings.server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } Device:setIgnoreInput(true) local userkey = md5(password) local ok, status, body = pcall(client.authorize, client, username, userkey) if not ok then if status then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. status }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An unknown error occurred while logging in.") }) end Device:setIgnoreInput(false) return elseif status then self.settings.username = username self.settings.password = userkey if menu then menu:updateItems() end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Logged in to KOReader server.") }) self:schedulePeriodicPush(0) else logger.dbg("SyncNinja: userLogin Error:", dump(body)) end Device:setIgnoreInput(false) end function SyncNinja:userRegister(username, password, menu) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: userRegister") if not self.settings.server then return end local SyncNinjaClient = require("SyncNinjaClient") local client = SyncNinjaClient:new{ custom_url = self.settings.server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } -- on Android to avoid ANR (no-op on other platforms) Device:setIgnoreInput(true) local userkey = md5(password) local ok, status, body = pcall(client.register, client, username, userkey) if not ok then if status then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An error occurred while registering:") .. "\n" .. status }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("An unknown error occurred while registering.") }) end elseif status then self.settings.username = username self.settings.password = userkey if menu then menu:updateItems() end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Registered to KOReader server.") }) self:schedulePeriodicPush(0) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = body and body.message or _("Unknown server error") }) end Device:setIgnoreInput(false) end ------------------------------------------ ------------- Sync Functions ------------- ------------------------------------------ function SyncNinja:schedulePeriodicPush(minutes) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: schedulePeriodicPush") -- Validate Configured if not self.settings then return end if not self.settings.username then return end if not self.settings.password then return end if not self.settings.server then return end -- Unschedule & Schedule local sync_frequency = minutes or self.settings.sync_frequency or 30 UIManager:unschedule(self.periodic_push_task) UIManager:scheduleIn(60 * sync_frequency, self.periodic_push_task) end function SyncNinja:performSync(interactive) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: performSync") -- Upload Activity & Check Documents self:checkActivity(interactive) self:checkDocuments(interactive) if interactive == true then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("SyncNinja: Manual Sync Success"), timeout = 3 }) end -- Schedule Push Again self:schedulePeriodicPush() end function SyncNinja:checkActivity(interactive) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: checkActivity") -- Ensure Activity Sync Enabled if self.settings.sync_activity ~= true then return end -- API Callback Function local callback_func = function(ok, body) if not ok then -- TODO: if interactive UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("SyncNinja: checkActivity Error"), timeout = 3 }) return logger.dbg("SyncNinja: checkActivity Error:", dump(body)) end local last_sync = body.last_sync local activity_data = self:getStatisticsActivity(last_sync) -- Activity Data Exists if not (next(activity_data) == nil) then self:uploadActivity(activity_data, interactive) end end -- API Call local SyncNinjaClient = require("SyncNinjaClient") local client = SyncNinjaClient:new{ custom_url = self.settings.server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } local ok, err = pcall(client.check_activity, client, self.settings.username, self.settings.password, self.device_id, callback_func) end function SyncNinja:uploadActivity(activity_data, interactive) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: uploadActivity") -- API Callback Function local callback_func = function(ok, body) if not ok then -- TODO: if interactive UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("SyncNinja: uploadActivity Error"), timeout = 3 }) return logger.dbg("SyncNinja: uploadActivity Error:", dump(body)) end end -- API Call local SyncNinjaClient = require("SyncNinjaClient") local client = SyncNinjaClient:new{ custom_url = self.settings.server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } local ok, err = pcall(client.add_activity, client, self.settings.username, self.settings.password, self.device_id, Device.model, activity_data, callback_func) end function SyncNinja:checkDocuments(interactive) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: checkDocuments") -- ensure document sync enabled if self.settings.sync_documents ~= true then return end -- API Request Data local doc_metadata = self:getLocalDocumentMetadata() local doc_ids = self:getLocalDocumentIDs(doc_metadata) -- API Callback Function local callback_func = function(ok, body) if not ok then -- TODO: if interactive UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("SyncNinja: checkDocuments Error"), timeout = 3 }) return logger.dbg("SyncNinja: checkDocuments Error:", dump(body)) end -- Documents Wanted if not (next(body.want) == nil) then local hash_want = {} for _, v in pairs(body.want) do hash_want[v] = true end local upload_doc_metadata = {} for _, v in pairs(doc_metadata) do if hash_want[v.id] == true then table.insert(upload_doc_metadata, v) end end self:uploadDocuments(upload_doc_metadata, interactive) end -- Documents Provided if not (next(body.give) == nil) then self:downloadDocuments(body.give, interactive) end end -- API Call local SyncNinjaClient = require("SyncNinjaClient") local client = SyncNinjaClient:new{ custom_url = self.settings.server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } local ok, err = pcall(client.check_documents, client, self.settings.username, self.settings.password, self.device_id, Device.model, doc_ids, callback_func) end function SyncNinja:downloadDocuments(doc_metadata, interactive) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: downloadDocuments") -- TODO end function SyncNinja:uploadDocuments(doc_metadata, interactive) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: uploadDocuments") -- Ensure Document Sync Enabled if self.settings.sync_documents ~= true then return end -- API Callback Function local callback_func = function(ok, body) if not ok then -- TODO: if interactive UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("SyncNinja: uploadDocuments Error"), timeout = 3 }) return logger.dbg("SyncNinja: uploadDocuments Error:", dump(body)) end end -- API Client local SyncNinjaClient = require("SyncNinjaClient") local client = SyncNinjaClient:new{ custom_url = self.settings.server, service_spec = self.path .. "/api.json" } -- API Initial Metadata local ok, err = pcall(client.add_documents, client, self.settings.username, self.settings.password, doc_metadata, callback_func) -- Ensure Document File Sync Enabled if self.settings.sync_document_files ~= true then return end if interactive ~= true then return end -- API File Upload local confirm_upload_callback = function() for _, v in pairs(doc_metadata) do if v.filepath ~= nil then local ok, err = pcall(client.upload_document, client, self.settings.username, self.settings.password, v.id, v.filepath, callback_func) end end end UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Upload documents? This can take awhile."), ok_text = _("Yes"), ok_callback = confirm_upload_callback }) end ------------------------------------------ ------------ Getter Functions ------------ ------------------------------------------ function SyncNinja:getLocalDocumentIDs(doc_metadata) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: getLocalDocumentIDs") local document_ids = {} if doc_metadata == nil then doc_metadata = self:getLocalDocumentMetadata() end for _, v in pairs(doc_metadata) do table.insert(document_ids, v.id) end return document_ids end function SyncNinja:getLocalDocumentMetadata() logger.dbg("SyncNinja: getLocalDocumentMetadata") local all_documents = {} local documents_kv = self:getStatisticsBookKV() local bookinfo_books = self:getBookInfoBookKV() for _, v in pairs(ReadHistory.hist) do if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(v.file) then local docsettings = DocSettings:open(v.file) -- Ensure Partial MD5 Exists local pmd5 = docsettings:readSetting("partial_md5_checksum") if not pmd5 then pmd5 = self:getPartialMd5(v.file) docsettings:saveSetting("partial_md5_checksum", pmd5) end -- Get Document Props local doc_props = docsettings:readSetting("doc_props") local fdoc = bookinfo_books[v.file] or {} -- Update or Create if documents_kv[pmd5] ~= nil then local doc = documents_kv[pmd5] -- Merge Statistics, History, and BookInfo doc.title = doc.title or doc_props.title or fdoc.title doc.author = doc.author or doc_props.authors or fdoc.author doc.series = doc.series or doc_props.series or fdoc.series doc.lang = doc.lang or doc_props.language or fdoc.lang -- Merge History and BookInfo doc.series_index = doc_props.series_index or fdoc.series_index doc.description = doc_props.description or fdoc.description doc.filepath = v.file else -- Merge History and BookInfo documents_kv[pmd5] = { title = doc_props.title or fdoc.title, author = doc_props.authors or fdoc.author, series = doc_props.series or fdoc.series, series_index = doc_props.series_index or fdoc.series_index, lang = doc_props.language or fdoc.lang, description = doc_props.description or fdoc.description, filepath = v.file } end end end -- Convert KV -> Array for pmd5, v in pairs(documents_kv) do table.insert(all_documents, { id = pmd5, title = v.title, author = v.author, series = v.series, series_index = v.series_index, lang = v.lang, description = v.description, filepath = v.filepath }) end return all_documents end function SyncNinja:getStatisticsActivity(timestamp) logger.dbg("SyncNinja: getStatisticsActivity") local all_data = {} local conn = SQ3.open(statistics_db) local stmt = conn:prepare(string.format(STATISTICS_ACTIVITY_SINCE_QUERY, timestamp)) local rows = stmt:resultset("i", 1000) conn:close() -- No Results if rows == nil then return all_data end -- Normalize for i, v in pairs(rows[1]) do table.insert(all_data, { document = rows[1][i], start_time = tonumber(rows[2][i]), duration = tonumber(rows[3][i]), current_page = tonumber(rows[4][i]), total_pages = tonumber(rows[5][i]) }) end return all_data end -- Returns KEY:VAL (MD5: