[add] task runner [fix] calculate word count on upload [remove] unused queries
1013 lines
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1013 lines
30 KiB
package api
import (
argon2 "github.com/alexedwards/argon2id"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type queryParams struct {
Page *int64 `form:"page"`
Limit *int64 `form:"limit"`
Document *string `form:"document"`
type searchParams struct {
Query *string `form:"query"`
BookType *string `form:"book_type"`
type requestDocumentUpload struct {
DocumentFile *multipart.FileHeader `form:"document_file"`
type requestDocumentEdit struct {
Title *string `form:"title"`
Author *string `form:"author"`
Description *string `form:"description"`
ISBN10 *string `form:"isbn_10"`
ISBN13 *string `form:"isbn_13"`
RemoveCover *string `form:"remove_cover"`
CoverGBID *string `form:"cover_gbid"`
CoverFile *multipart.FileHeader `form:"cover_file"`
type requestDocumentIdentify struct {
Title *string `form:"title"`
Author *string `form:"author"`
ISBN *string `form:"isbn"`
type requestSettingsEdit struct {
Password *string `form:"password"`
NewPassword *string `form:"new_password"`
TimeOffset *string `form:"time_offset"`
type requestDocumentAdd struct {
ID *string `form:"id"`
Title *string `form:"title"`
Author *string `form:"author"`
BookType *string `form:"book_type"`
func (api *API) webManifest(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/manifest+json")
func (api *API) serviceWorker(c *gin.Context) {
func (api *API) localDocuments(c *gin.Context) {
func (api *API) documentReader(c *gin.Context) {
func (api *API) createAppResourcesRoute(routeName string, args ...map[string]any) func(*gin.Context) {
// Merge Optional Template Data
var templateVarsBase = gin.H{}
if len(args) > 0 {
templateVarsBase = args[0]
templateVarsBase["RouteName"] = routeName
templateVarsBase["SearchEnabled"] = api.Config.SearchEnabled
return func(c *gin.Context) {
var userID string
if rUser, _ := c.Get("AuthorizedUser"); rUser != nil {
userID = rUser.(string)
// Copy Base & Update
templateVars := gin.H{}
for k, v := range templateVarsBase {
templateVars[k] = v
templateVars["User"] = userID
// Potential URL Parameters
qParams := bindQueryParams(c)
if routeName == "documents" {
documents, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDocumentsWithStats(api.DB.Ctx, database.GetDocumentsWithStatsParams{
UserID: userID,
Offset: (*qParams.Page - 1) * *qParams.Limit,
Limit: *qParams.Limit,
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] GetDocumentsWithStats DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDocumentsWithStats DB Error: %v", err))
if err = api.getDocumentsWordCount(documents); err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] Unable to Get Word Counts: ", err)
templateVars["Data"] = documents
} else if routeName == "document" {
var rDocID requestDocumentID
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&rDocID); err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] Invalid URI Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid document.")
document, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDocumentWithStats(api.DB.Ctx, database.GetDocumentWithStatsParams{
UserID: userID,
DocumentID: rDocID.DocumentID,
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] GetDocumentWithStats DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDocumentsWithStats DB Error: %v", err))
templateVars["Data"] = document
templateVars["TotalTimeLeftSeconds"] = int64((100.0 - document.Percentage) * float64(document.SecondsPerPercent))
} else if routeName == "activity" {
activityFilter := database.GetActivityParams{
UserID: userID,
Offset: (*qParams.Page - 1) * *qParams.Limit,
Limit: *qParams.Limit,
if qParams.Document != nil {
activityFilter.DocFilter = true
activityFilter.DocumentID = *qParams.Document
activity, err := api.DB.Queries.GetActivity(api.DB.Ctx, activityFilter)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] GetActivity DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetActivity DB Error: %v", err))
templateVars["Data"] = activity
} else if routeName == "home" {
start := time.Now()
read_graph_data, _ := api.DB.Queries.GetDailyReadStats(api.DB.Ctx, userID)
log.Info("GetDailyReadStats Performance: ", time.Since(start))
start = time.Now()
database_info, _ := api.DB.Queries.GetDatabaseInfo(api.DB.Ctx, userID)
log.Info("GetDatabaseInfo Performance: ", time.Since(start))
streaks, _ := api.DB.Queries.GetUserStreaks(api.DB.Ctx, userID)
wpm_leaderboard, _ := api.DB.Queries.GetWPMLeaderboard(api.DB.Ctx)
templateVars["Data"] = gin.H{
"Streaks": streaks,
"GraphData": read_graph_data,
"DatabaseInfo": database_info,
"WPMLeaderboard": wpm_leaderboard,
} else if routeName == "settings" {
user, err := api.DB.Queries.GetUser(api.DB.Ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] GetUser DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetUser DB Error: %v", err))
devices, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDevices(api.DB.Ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] GetDevices DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDevices DB Error: %v", err))
templateVars["Data"] = gin.H{
"Settings": gin.H{
"TimeOffset": *user.TimeOffset,
"Devices": devices,
} else if routeName == "search" {
var sParams searchParams
// Only Handle Query
if sParams.BookType != nil && !slices.Contains([]string{"NON_FICTION", "FICTION"}, *sParams.BookType) {
templateVars["SearchErrorMessage"] = "Invalid Book Type"
} else if sParams.Query != nil && *sParams.Query == "" {
templateVars["SearchErrorMessage"] = "Invalid Query"
} else if sParams.BookType != nil && sParams.Query != nil {
var bType search.BookType = search.BOOK_FICTION
if *sParams.BookType == "NON_FICTION" {
bType = search.BOOK_NON_FICTION
// Search
searchResults, err := search.SearchBook(*sParams.Query, bType)
if err != nil {
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Search Error: %v", err))
templateVars["Data"] = searchResults
templateVars["BookType"] = *sParams.BookType
} else if routeName == "login" {
templateVars["RegistrationEnabled"] = api.Config.RegistrationEnabled
c.HTML(http.StatusOK, routeName, templateVars)
func (api *API) getDocumentCover(c *gin.Context) {
var rDoc requestDocumentID
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&rDoc); err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentCover] Invalid URI Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid cover.")
// Validate Document Exists in DB
document, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDocument(api.DB.Ctx, rDoc.DocumentID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentCover] GetDocument DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDocument DB Error: %v", err))
// Handle Identified Document
if document.Coverfile != nil {
if *document.Coverfile == "UNKNOWN" {
// Derive Path
safePath := filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "covers", *document.Coverfile)
// Validate File Exists
_, err = os.Stat(safePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentCover] File Should But Doesn't Exist:", err)
// --- Attempt Metadata ---
var coverDir string = filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "covers")
var coverFile string = "UNKNOWN"
// Identify Documents & Save Covers
metadataResults, err := metadata.SearchMetadata(metadata.GBOOK, metadata.MetadataInfo{
Title: document.Title,
Author: document.Author,
if err == nil && len(metadataResults) > 0 && metadataResults[0].ID != nil {
firstResult := metadataResults[0]
// Save Cover
fileName, err := metadata.CacheCover(*firstResult.ID, coverDir, document.ID, false)
if err == nil {
coverFile = *fileName
// Store First Metadata Result
if _, err = api.DB.Queries.AddMetadata(api.DB.Ctx, database.AddMetadataParams{
DocumentID: document.ID,
Title: firstResult.Title,
Author: firstResult.Author,
Description: firstResult.Description,
Gbid: firstResult.ID,
Olid: nil,
Isbn10: firstResult.ISBN10,
Isbn13: firstResult.ISBN13,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentCover] AddMetadata DB Error:", err)
// Upsert Document
if _, err = api.DB.Queries.UpsertDocument(api.DB.Ctx, database.UpsertDocumentParams{
ID: document.ID,
Coverfile: &coverFile,
}); err != nil {
log.Warn("[getDocumentCover] UpsertDocument DB Error:", err)
// Return Unknown Cover
if coverFile == "UNKNOWN" {
coverFilePath := filepath.Join(coverDir, coverFile)
func (api *API) getDocumentProgress(c *gin.Context) {
rUser, _ := c.Get("AuthorizedUser")
var rDoc requestDocumentID
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&rDoc); err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentProgress] Invalid URI Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid document.")
progress, err := api.DB.Queries.GetProgress(api.DB.Ctx, database.GetProgressParams{
DocumentID: rDoc.DocumentID,
UserID: rUser.(string),
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("[getDocumentProgress] UpsertDocument DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("UpsertDocument DB Error: %v", err))
document, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDocumentWithStats(api.DB.Ctx, database.GetDocumentWithStatsParams{
UserID: rUser.(string),
DocumentID: rDoc.DocumentID,
if err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentProgress] GetDocumentWithStats DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDocumentWithStats DB Error: %v", err))
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"id": document.ID,
"title": document.Title,
"author": document.Author,
"words": document.Words,
"progress": progress.Progress,
"percentage": document.Percentage,
func (api *API) uploadNewDocument(c *gin.Context) {
var rDocUpload requestDocumentUpload
if err := c.ShouldBind(&rDocUpload); err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] Invalid Form Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
if rDocUpload.DocumentFile == nil {
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "./documents")
// Validate Type & Derive Extension on MIME
uploadedFile, err := rDocUpload.DocumentFile.Open()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] File Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to open file.")
fileMime, err := mimetype.DetectReader(uploadedFile)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] MIME Error")
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to detect filetype.")
fileExtension := fileMime.Extension()
// Validate Extension
if !slices.Contains([]string{".epub"}, fileExtension) {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] Invalid FileType: ", fileExtension)
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid filetype.")
// Create Temp File
tempFile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "book")
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[uploadNewDocument] Temp File Create Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to create temp file.")
defer os.Remove(tempFile.Name())
defer tempFile.Close()
// Save Temp
err = c.SaveUploadedFile(rDocUpload.DocumentFile, tempFile.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] File Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
// Get Metadata
metadataInfo, err := metadata.GetMetadata(tempFile.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[uploadNewDocument] GetMetadata Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to acquire file metadata.")
// Calculate Partial MD5 ID
partialMD5, err := utils.CalculatePartialMD5(tempFile.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[uploadNewDocument] Partial MD5 Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to calculate partial MD5.")
// Check Exists
_, err = api.DB.Queries.GetDocument(api.DB.Ctx, partialMD5)
if err == nil {
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, fmt.Sprintf("./documents/%s", partialMD5))
// Calculate Actual MD5
fileHash, err := getFileMD5(tempFile.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] MD5 Hash Failure:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to calculate MD5.")
// Get Word Count
wordCount, err := metadata.GetWordCount(tempFile.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] Word Count Failure:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to calculate word count.")
// Derive Filename
var fileName string
if *metadataInfo.Author != "" {
fileName = fileName + *metadataInfo.Author
} else {
fileName = fileName + "Unknown"
if *metadataInfo.Title != "" {
fileName = fileName + " - " + *metadataInfo.Title
} else {
fileName = fileName + " - Unknown"
// Remove Slashes
fileName = strings.ReplaceAll(fileName, "/", "")
// Derive & Sanitize File Name
fileName = "." + filepath.Clean(fmt.Sprintf("/%s [%s]%s", fileName, partialMD5, fileExtension))
// Generate Storage Path & Open File
safePath := filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "documents", fileName)
destFile, err := os.Create(safePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] Dest File Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
defer destFile.Close()
// Copy File
if _, err = io.Copy(destFile, tempFile); err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] Copy Temp File Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
// Upsert Document
if _, err = api.DB.Queries.UpsertDocument(api.DB.Ctx, database.UpsertDocumentParams{
ID: partialMD5,
Title: metadataInfo.Title,
Author: metadataInfo.Author,
Description: metadataInfo.Description,
Words: &wordCount,
Md5: fileHash,
Filepath: &fileName,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("[uploadNewDocument] UpsertDocument DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("UpsertDocument DB Error: %v", err))
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, fmt.Sprintf("./documents/%s", partialMD5))
func (api *API) editDocument(c *gin.Context) {
var rDocID requestDocumentID
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&rDocID); err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] Invalid URI Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid document.")
var rDocEdit requestDocumentEdit
if err := c.ShouldBind(&rDocEdit); err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] Invalid Form Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
// Validate Something Exists
if rDocEdit.Author == nil &&
rDocEdit.Title == nil &&
rDocEdit.Description == nil &&
rDocEdit.ISBN10 == nil &&
rDocEdit.ISBN13 == nil &&
rDocEdit.RemoveCover == nil &&
rDocEdit.CoverGBID == nil &&
rDocEdit.CoverFile == nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] Missing Form Values")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
// Handle Cover
var coverFileName *string
if rDocEdit.RemoveCover != nil && *rDocEdit.RemoveCover == "on" {
s := "UNKNOWN"
coverFileName = &s
} else if rDocEdit.CoverFile != nil {
// Validate Type & Derive Extension on MIME
uploadedFile, err := rDocEdit.CoverFile.Open()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] File Error")
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to open file.")
fileMime, err := mimetype.DetectReader(uploadedFile)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] MIME Error")
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to detect filetype.")
fileExtension := fileMime.Extension()
// Validate Extension
if !slices.Contains([]string{".jpg", ".png"}, fileExtension) {
log.Error("[uploadDocumentFile] Invalid FileType: ", fileExtension)
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid filetype.")
// Generate Storage Path
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", rDocID.DocumentID, fileExtension)
safePath := filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "covers", fileName)
// Save
err = c.SaveUploadedFile(rDocEdit.CoverFile, safePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] File Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
coverFileName = &fileName
} else if rDocEdit.CoverGBID != nil {
var coverDir string = filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "covers")
fileName, err := metadata.CacheCover(*rDocEdit.CoverGBID, coverDir, rDocID.DocumentID, true)
if err == nil {
coverFileName = fileName
// Update Document
if _, err := api.DB.Queries.UpsertDocument(api.DB.Ctx, database.UpsertDocumentParams{
ID: rDocID.DocumentID,
Title: api.sanitizeInput(rDocEdit.Title),
Author: api.sanitizeInput(rDocEdit.Author),
Description: api.sanitizeInput(rDocEdit.Description),
Isbn10: api.sanitizeInput(rDocEdit.ISBN10),
Isbn13: api.sanitizeInput(rDocEdit.ISBN13),
Coverfile: coverFileName,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("[createAppResourcesRoute] UpsertDocument DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("UpsertDocument DB Error: %v", err))
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "./")
func (api *API) deleteDocument(c *gin.Context) {
var rDocID requestDocumentID
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&rDocID); err != nil {
log.Error("[deleteDocument] Invalid URI Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid document.")
changed, err := api.DB.Queries.DeleteDocument(api.DB.Ctx, rDocID.DocumentID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[deleteDocument] DeleteDocument DB Error")
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("DeleteDocument DB Error: %v", err))
if changed == 0 {
log.Error("[deleteDocument] DeleteDocument DB Error")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid document.")
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "../")
func (api *API) identifyDocument(c *gin.Context) {
rUser, _ := c.Get("AuthorizedUser")
var rDocID requestDocumentID
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&rDocID); err != nil {
log.Error("[identifyDocument] Invalid URI Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusNotFound, "Invalid document.")
var rDocIdentify requestDocumentIdentify
if err := c.ShouldBind(&rDocIdentify); err != nil {
log.Error("[identifyDocument] Invalid Form Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
// Disallow Empty Strings
if rDocIdentify.Title != nil && strings.TrimSpace(*rDocIdentify.Title) == "" {
rDocIdentify.Title = nil
if rDocIdentify.Author != nil && strings.TrimSpace(*rDocIdentify.Author) == "" {
rDocIdentify.Author = nil
if rDocIdentify.ISBN != nil && strings.TrimSpace(*rDocIdentify.ISBN) == "" {
rDocIdentify.ISBN = nil
// Validate Values
if rDocIdentify.ISBN == nil && rDocIdentify.Title == nil && rDocIdentify.Author == nil {
log.Error("[identifyDocument] Invalid Form")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
// Template Variables
templateVars := gin.H{
"SearchEnabled": api.Config.SearchEnabled,
// Get Metadata
metadataResults, err := metadata.SearchMetadata(metadata.GBOOK, metadata.MetadataInfo{
Title: rDocIdentify.Title,
Author: rDocIdentify.Author,
ISBN10: rDocIdentify.ISBN,
ISBN13: rDocIdentify.ISBN,
if err == nil && len(metadataResults) > 0 {
firstResult := metadataResults[0]
// Store First Metadata Result
if _, err = api.DB.Queries.AddMetadata(api.DB.Ctx, database.AddMetadataParams{
DocumentID: rDocID.DocumentID,
Title: firstResult.Title,
Author: firstResult.Author,
Description: firstResult.Description,
Gbid: firstResult.ID,
Olid: nil,
Isbn10: firstResult.ISBN10,
Isbn13: firstResult.ISBN13,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("[identifyDocument] AddMetadata DB Error:", err)
templateVars["Metadata"] = firstResult
} else {
log.Warn("[identifyDocument] Metadata Error")
templateVars["MetadataError"] = "No Metadata Found"
document, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDocumentWithStats(api.DB.Ctx, database.GetDocumentWithStatsParams{
UserID: rUser.(string),
DocumentID: rDocID.DocumentID,
if err != nil {
log.Error("[identifyDocument] GetDocumentWithStats DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDocumentWithStats DB Error: %v", err))
templateVars["Data"] = document
templateVars["TotalTimeLeftSeconds"] = int64((100.0 - document.Percentage) * float64(document.SecondsPerPercent))
c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "document", templateVars)
func (api *API) saveNewDocument(c *gin.Context) {
var rDocAdd requestDocumentAdd
if err := c.ShouldBind(&rDocAdd); err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Invalid Form Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
// Validate Form Exists
if rDocAdd.ID == nil ||
rDocAdd.BookType == nil ||
rDocAdd.Title == nil ||
rDocAdd.Author == nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Missing Form Values")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
var bType search.BookType = search.BOOK_FICTION
if *rDocAdd.BookType == "NON_FICTION" {
bType = search.BOOK_NON_FICTION
// Save Book
tempFilePath, err := search.SaveBook(*rDocAdd.ID, bType)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[saveNewDocument] Temp File Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
// Calculate Partial MD5 ID
partialMD5, err := utils.CalculatePartialMD5(tempFilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[saveNewDocument] Partial MD5 Error: ", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to calculate partial MD5.")
// Derive Extension on MIME
fileMime, err := mimetype.DetectFile(tempFilePath)
fileExtension := fileMime.Extension()
// Derive Filename
var fileName string
if *rDocAdd.Author != "" {
fileName = fileName + *rDocAdd.Author
} else {
fileName = fileName + "Unknown"
if *rDocAdd.Title != "" {
fileName = fileName + " - " + *rDocAdd.Title
} else {
fileName = fileName + " - Unknown"
// Remove Slashes
fileName = strings.ReplaceAll(fileName, "/", "")
// Derive & Sanitize File Name
fileName = "." + filepath.Clean(fmt.Sprintf("/%s [%s]%s", fileName, partialMD5, fileExtension))
// Open Source File
sourceFile, err := os.Open(tempFilePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Source File Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
defer os.Remove(tempFilePath)
defer sourceFile.Close()
// Generate Storage Path & Open File
safePath := filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "documents", fileName)
destFile, err := os.Create(safePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Dest File Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
defer destFile.Close()
// Copy File
if _, err = io.Copy(destFile, sourceFile); err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Copy Temp File Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to save file.")
// Get MD5 Hash
fileHash, err := getFileMD5(safePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Hash Failure:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to calculate MD5.")
// Get Word Count
wordCount, err := metadata.GetWordCount(safePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] Word Count Failure:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to calculate word count.")
// Upsert Document
if _, err = api.DB.Queries.UpsertDocument(api.DB.Ctx, database.UpsertDocumentParams{
ID: partialMD5,
Title: rDocAdd.Title,
Author: rDocAdd.Author,
Md5: fileHash,
Filepath: &fileName,
Words: &wordCount,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("[saveNewDocument] UpsertDocument DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("UpsertDocument DB Error: %v", err))
c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, fmt.Sprintf("./documents/%s", partialMD5))
func (api *API) editSettings(c *gin.Context) {
rUser, _ := c.Get("AuthorizedUser")
var rUserSettings requestSettingsEdit
if err := c.ShouldBind(&rUserSettings); err != nil {
log.Error("[editSettings] Invalid Form Bind")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
// Validate Something Exists
if rUserSettings.Password == nil && rUserSettings.NewPassword == nil && rUserSettings.TimeOffset == nil {
log.Error("[editSettings] Missing Form Values")
errorPage(c, http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid or missing form values.")
templateVars := gin.H{
"User": rUser,
newUserSettings := database.UpdateUserParams{
UserID: rUser.(string),
// Set New Password
if rUserSettings.Password != nil && rUserSettings.NewPassword != nil {
password := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(*rUserSettings.Password)))
authorized := api.authorizeCredentials(rUser.(string), password)
if authorized == true {
password := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(*rUserSettings.NewPassword)))
hashedPassword, err := argon2.CreateHash(password, argon2.DefaultParams)
if err != nil {
templateVars["PasswordErrorMessage"] = "Unknown Error"
} else {
templateVars["PasswordMessage"] = "Password Updated"
newUserSettings.Password = &hashedPassword
} else {
templateVars["PasswordErrorMessage"] = "Invalid Password"
// Set Time Offset
if rUserSettings.TimeOffset != nil {
templateVars["TimeOffsetMessage"] = "Time Offset Updated"
newUserSettings.TimeOffset = rUserSettings.TimeOffset
// Update User
_, err := api.DB.Queries.UpdateUser(api.DB.Ctx, newUserSettings)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[editSettings] UpdateUser DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("UpdateUser DB Error: %v", err))
// Get User
user, err := api.DB.Queries.GetUser(api.DB.Ctx, rUser.(string))
if err != nil {
log.Error("[editSettings] GetUser DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetUser DB Error: %v", err))
// Get Devices
devices, err := api.DB.Queries.GetDevices(api.DB.Ctx, rUser.(string))
if err != nil {
log.Error("[editSettings] GetDevices DB Error:", err)
errorPage(c, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("GetDevices DB Error: %v", err))
templateVars["Data"] = gin.H{
"Settings": gin.H{
"TimeOffset": *user.TimeOffset,
"Devices": devices,
"SearchEnabled": api.Config.SearchEnabled,
c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "settings", templateVars)
func (api *API) getDocumentsWordCount(documents []database.GetDocumentsWithStatsRow) error {
// Do Transaction
tx, err := api.DB.DB.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentsWordCount] Transaction Begin DB Error:", err)
return err
// Defer & Start Transaction
defer tx.Rollback()
qtx := api.DB.Queries.WithTx(tx)
for _, item := range documents {
if item.Words == nil && item.Filepath != nil {
filePath := filepath.Join(api.Config.DataPath, "documents", *item.Filepath)
wordCount, err := metadata.GetWordCount(filePath)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[getDocumentsWordCount] Word Count Error - ", err)
} else {
if _, err := qtx.UpsertDocument(api.DB.Ctx, database.UpsertDocumentParams{
ID: item.ID,
Words: &wordCount,
}); err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentsWordCount] UpsertDocument DB Error - ", err)
return err
// Commit Transaction
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
log.Error("[getDocumentsWordCount] Transaction Commit DB Error:", err)
return err
return nil
func bindQueryParams(c *gin.Context) queryParams {
var qParams queryParams
if qParams.Limit == nil {
var defaultValue int64 = 50
qParams.Limit = &defaultValue
} else if *qParams.Limit < 0 {
var zeroValue int64 = 0
qParams.Limit = &zeroValue
if qParams.Page == nil || *qParams.Page < 1 {
var oneValue int64 = 0
qParams.Page = &oneValue
return qParams
func errorPage(c *gin.Context, errorCode int, errorMessage string) {
var errorHuman string = "We're not even sure what happened."
switch errorCode {
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
errorHuman = "Server hiccup."
case http.StatusNotFound:
errorHuman = "Something's missing."
case http.StatusBadRequest:
errorHuman = "We didn't expect that."
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
errorHuman = "You're not allowed to do that."
c.HTML(errorCode, "error", gin.H{
"Status": errorCode,
"Error": errorHuman,
"Message": errorMessage,