# TORinator A Tor IP address indexer. A local database is maintained and regularly updated from multiple sources. By default, the sources are scraped every 45 minutes in order to prevent rate limiting / blocking. You can override this using an enviornment variable - details below. ## API Docs # Get All IPs curl -s | jq '.' # Get All Exclusions curl -s | jq '.' # Add Exclusion IP curl -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "ip": "" }' | jq '.' # Remove Exclusion IP curl -X DELETE ## Configuration The application can be configured using environment variables. The following vars are available: | Environment Variable | Description | Default | |--------------------------|---------------------------------|---------| | TORINATOR_DB_TYPE | Database type (memory / sqlite) | sqlite | | TORINATOR_DATA_PATH | Path to store the database | ./ | | TORINATOR_UPDATE_SOURCE | Update source (web / file ) | web | | TORINATOR_UPDATE_CADENCE | Update cadence in seconds | 2700 | You can find examples in the `docker-compose.yml` file. ## Running (Production) ``` # Be sure image is built docker-compose build # Run compose in background. Service accessible via localhost:5000 docker-compose up -d # Alternatively, in virtualenv torinator run ``` ## Running (Development) Once you have installed the setup.py and torinator[dev] dependencies, you can run `pre-commit` to lint all server files: ``` pre-commit run --all-files ``` To run: ``` # Setup virtual env python3 -m venv torinator_venv . torinator_venv/bin/activate # Link torinator to working directory & install dev dependencies python setup.py develop easy_install torinator[dev] # Can use to run the server torinator run # Or with env vars TORINATOR_UPDATE_SOURCE=file torinator run ``` ### Adding Sources While a little cumbersome, you can add additional sources in the `./src/torinator/list_updater.py` file. In the `__init__`, add additional sources with their URL's, parsing function, and filepath (if desired). Using a filepath allows you to reference a local file for parsing instead of hitting the web everytime. This is useful during development to prevent rate limiting. Local files should be stored in `./src/torinator/resources/*` and are copied by the `MANIFEST.in` during build.