- the [SASS](https://sass-lang.com/) compiler watching for `.scss` files changes
Note that in development mode 2 more files, `bundle.js.map` and `style.css.map`, will be created in the public folder. These files will be deleted when runnin the build command, so you don't need to worrt about them.
**You can now go to and see the app running.**
However, if you need to edit the `public/index.html` file you'll have to kill the terminal and re-run `npm run dev` to see your edits.
### Adding files
If you want to add new super-awesome `.js` files, just add them. Deemix uses ES6 synthax, so you'll probably need to export some functions or variables from your new file. Files that will export and import nothing will be ignored by the bundler (rollup).
If you want to add new mega-awesome `.scss` (style) files, you need to import them in the main `style.scss` file. The `.scss` files **must** all start with an underscore _, except for the `style.scss` file.