Roberto Tonino
style: replaced html and body stylings with Tailwind classes; worflow: removed rollup plugin esbuild and re-added rollup-plugin-terser for minification
2020-11-09 22:16:45 +01:00 |
Roberto Tonino
fix: correctly hidden empty sections after performing a search; style: added CoverContainer component; style: removed some CSS classes
2020-11-02 22:33:00 +01:00 |
Roberto Tonino
workflow: reset feature/search-page-improvement branch
2020-11-02 12:25:08 +01:00 |
Roberto Tonino
build: v1.2.1; style: changed theme icon; style: sidebar link active bg color; style: updated toastify-js to v1.9.3; style: used toastify-js styles instead of local ones; style: removed inclusion of animate.css styles (but kept the file for future usage)
2020-10-17 17:52:31 +02:00 |
Roberto Tonino
wip: fixed sidebar style; style: removed foreground inverted variable; style: removed icon hover variable; style: removed panels text variable; wip: sidebar link active style
2020-10-16 23:56:53 +02:00 |
Roberto Tonino
build: v1.1.2, chore: improved charts displaying by removing duplicated worldwide chart code; style: removed a lot of .scss files in favor off tailwind utilities; chore: removed some unused ids; style: improved feedback on section-tabs; chore: replaced css variable in primary color in tailwind config with the hsl color code
2020-10-14 22:18:13 +02:00 |
Roberto Tonino
style: unified accent color and changed its name to primary-color; style: back button; style: added btn css component
2020-10-10 20:03:19 +02:00 |
Roberto Tonino
style: integrated base variables into Taiwlind
2020-10-10 17:35:04 +02:00 |
Roberto Tonino
workflow: added TailwindCSS; workflow: removed watch:style script from dev script
2020-10-09 20:53:24 +02:00 |