const socket = io.connect(window.location.href); socket.on('connect', () => { document.getElementById('loading_overlay').classList.remove('active'); }); let toastsWithId = {}; const toast = function (msg, icon = null, dismiss = true, id = null) { if (toastsWithId[id]) { let toastObj = toastsWithId[id]; let toastDOM = $(`div.toastify[toast_id=${id}]`); if (msg) { toastDOM.find('.toast-message').html(msg); } if (icon) { if (icon == 'loading') icon = `
`; else icon = `${icon}`; toastDOM.find('.toast-icon').html(icon); } if (dismiss !== null && dismiss) { setTimeout(function () { toastObj.hideToast(); delete toastsWithId[id]; }, 3000); } } else { if (icon == null) icon = ''; else if (icon == 'loading') icon = `
`; else icon = `${icon}`; let toastObj = Toastify({ text: `${icon}${msg}`, duration: dismiss ? 3000 : 0, gravity: 'bottom', position: 'left' }).showToast(); if (id) { toastsWithId[id] = toastObj; $(toastObj.toastElement).attr('toast_id', id); } } }; socket.on('toast', data => { toast(data.msg, data.icon || null, data.dismiss !== undefined ? data.dismiss : true, || null); }); /* ===== Locals ===== */ const tabMinWidth = 250; const tabMaxWidth = 500; let cachedTabWidth = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('downloadTabWidth')) || 300; let queueList = {}; let queue = []; let queueComplete = []; let tabContainerEl; let listEl; let dragHandlerEl; function init() { // Find download DOM elements tabContainerEl = document.getElementById('download_tab_container'); listEl = document.getElementById('download_list'); dragHandlerEl = document.getElementById('download_tab_drag_handler'); // Check if download tab should be open if ('true' === localStorage.getItem('downloadTabOpen')) { tabContainerEl.classList.remove('tab_hidden'); setTabWidth(cachedTabWidth); } linkListeners(); } function linkListeners() { listEl.addEventListener('click', handleListClick); document.getElementById('toggle_download_tab').addEventListener('click', toggleDownloadTab); // Queue buttons document.getElementById('clean_queue').addEventListener('click', () => { socket.emit('removeFinishedDownloads'); }); document.getElementById('cancel_queue').addEventListener('click', () => { socket.emit('cancelAllDownloads'); }); dragHandlerEl.addEventListener('mousedown', event => { event.preventDefault(); document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleDrag); }); document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleDrag); }); tabContainerEl.addEventListener('transitionend', () => { = ''; }); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { localStorage.setItem('downloadTabWidth', cachedTabWidth); }); } function setTabWidth(newWidth) { if (undefined === newWidth) { = ''; = ''; } else { = newWidth + 'px'; = newWidth + 'px'; } } function handleDrag(event) { let newWidth = window.innerWidth - event.pageX + 2; if (newWidth < tabMinWidth) { newWidth = tabMinWidth; } else if (newWidth > tabMaxWidth) { newWidth = tabMaxWidth; } cachedTabWidth = newWidth; setTabWidth(newWidth); } function sendAddToQueue(url, bitrate = null) { if (url.indexOf(';') !== -1) { let urls = url.split(';'); urls.forEach(url => { socket.emit('addToQueue', { url: url, bitrate: bitrate }); }); } else if (url != '') { socket.emit('addToQueue', { url: url, bitrate: bitrate }); } } function addToQueue(queueItem, current = false) { queueList[queueItem.uuid] = queueItem; if (queueItem.downloaded + queueItem.failed == queueItem.size) { queueComplete.push(queueItem.uuid); } else { queue.push(queueItem.uuid); } $(listEl).append( `
Cover ${queueItem.title}
${queueItem.title} - ${queueItem.artist}
${queueItem.downloaded + queueItem.failed}/${ queueItem.size }
` ); if (queueItem.progress > 0 || current) { $('#bar_' + queueItem.uuid) .removeClass('indeterminate') .addClass('determinate'); } $('#bar_' + queueItem.uuid).css('width', queueItem.progress + '%'); if (queueItem.failed >= 1) { $('#download_' + queueItem.uuid + ' .download_info_status').append( `(${queueItem.failed}error_outline)` ); } if (queueItem.downloaded + queueItem.failed == queueItem.size) { let result_icon = $('#download_' + queueItem.uuid).find('.queue_icon'); if (queueItem.failed == 0) { result_icon.text('done'); } else if (queueItem.failed == queueItem.size) { result_icon.text('error'); } else { result_icon.text('warning'); } } } function initQueue(data) { if (data.queueComplete.length) { data.queueComplete.forEach(item => { addToQueue(data.queueList[item]); }); } if (data.currentItem) { addToQueue(data['queueList'][data.currentItem], true); } data.queue.forEach(item => { addToQueue(data.queueList[item]); }); } function startDownload(uuid) { $('#bar_' + uuid) .removeClass('indeterminate') .addClass('determinate'); } socket.on('startDownload', startDownload); function handleListClick(event) { if (!'.queue_icon[data-uuid]')) { return } let icon =; let uuid = $('uuid'); switch (icon) { case 'remove': socket.emit('removeFromQueue', uuid); break } } // Show/Hide Download Tab function toggleDownloadTab(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); setTabWidth(); = 'all 250ms ease-in-out'; // Toggle returns a Boolean based on the action it performed let isHidden = tabContainerEl.classList.toggle('tab_hidden'); if (!isHidden) { setTabWidth(cachedTabWidth); } localStorage.setItem('downloadTabOpen', !isHidden); } socket.on('init_downloadQueue', initQueue); socket.on('addedToQueue', addToQueue); function removeFromQueue(uuid) { let index = queue.indexOf(uuid); if (index > -1) { queue.splice(index, 1); $(`#download_${queueList[uuid].uuid}`).remove(); delete queueList[uuid]; } } socket.on('removedFromQueue', removeFromQueue); function finishDownload(uuid) { if (queue.indexOf(uuid) > -1) { toast(`${queueList[uuid].title} finished downloading.`, 'done'); $('#bar_' + uuid).css('width', '100%'); let result_icon = $('#download_' + uuid).find('.queue_icon'); if (queueList[uuid].failed == 0) { result_icon.text('done'); } else if (queueList[uuid].failed >= queueList[uuid].size) { result_icon.text('error'); } else { result_icon.text('warning'); } let index = queue.indexOf(uuid); if (index > -1) { queue.splice(index, 1); queueComplete.push(uuid); } if (queue.length <= 0) { toast('All downloads completed!', 'done_all'); } } } socket.on('finishDownload', finishDownload); function removeAllDownloads(currentItem) { queueComplete = []; if (currentItem == '') { queue = []; queueList = {}; $(listEl).html(''); } else { queue = [currentItem]; let tempQueueItem = queueList[currentItem]; queueList = {}; queueList[currentItem] = tempQueueItem; $('.download_object').each(function (index) { if ($(this).attr('id') != 'download_' + currentItem) $(this).remove(); }); } } socket.on('removedAllDownloads', removeAllDownloads); function removedFinishedDownloads() { queueComplete.forEach(item => { $('#download_' + item).remove(); }); queueComplete = []; } socket.on('removedFinishedDownloads', removedFinishedDownloads); function updateQueue(update) { if (update.uuid && queue.indexOf(update.uuid) > -1) { if (update.downloaded) { queueList[update.uuid].downloaded++; $('#download_' + update.uuid + ' .queue_downloaded').text( queueList[update.uuid].downloaded + queueList[update.uuid].failed ); } if (update.failed) { queueList[update.uuid].failed++; $('#download_' + update.uuid + ' .queue_downloaded').text( queueList[update.uuid].downloaded + queueList[update.uuid].failed ); if (queueList[update.uuid].failed == 1) { $('#download_' + update.uuid + ' .download_info_status').append( `(1 error_outline)` ); } else { $('#download_' + update.uuid + ' .queue_failed').text(queueList[update.uuid].failed); } } if (update.progress) { queueList[update.uuid].progress = update.progress; $('#bar_' + update.uuid).css('width', update.progress + '%'); } } } socket.on('updateQueue', updateQueue); var Downloads = { init, sendAddToQueue, addToQueue }; const QualityModal = { // Defaults open: false, url: '' }; function init$1() { QualityModal.element = document.getElementById('modal_quality'); linkListeners$1(); } function open(link) { QualityModal.url = link; = 'block'; QualityModal.element.classList.add('animated', 'fadeIn'); } function linkListeners$1() { QualityModal.element.addEventListener('click', handleClick); QualityModal.element.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', handleAnimationEnd); } function handleClick(event) { QualityModal.element.classList.add('animated', 'fadeOut'); if (!'.quality-button')) { return } let bitrate =; Downloads.sendAddToQueue(QualityModal.url, bitrate); } function handleAnimationEnd() { QualityModal.element.classList.remove('animated', ? 'fadeOut' : 'fadeIn'); = ? 'none' : 'block'; = !; } var QualityModal$1 = { init: init$1, open }; const ArtistTab = new Vue({ data() { return { currentTab: '', sortKey: 'release_date', sortOrder: 'desc', title: '', image: '', type: '', link: '', head: null, body: null } }, methods: { albumView, reset() { this.title = 'Loading...'; this.image = ''; this.type = ''; this.currentTab = ''; this.sortKey = 'release_date'; this.sortOrder = 'desc'; = ''; this.head = []; this.body = null; }, addToQueue(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Downloads.sendAddToQueue(; }, openQualityModal(e) { QualityModal$; }, sortBy(key) { if (key == this.sortKey) { this.sortOrder = this.sortOrder == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; } else { this.sortKey = key; this.sortOrder = 'asc'; } }, changeTab(tab) { this.currentTab = tab; }, checkNewRelease(date) { let g1 = new Date(); let g2 = new Date(date); g2.setDate(g2.getDate() + 3); g1.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return g1.getTime() <= g2.getTime() }, showArtist(data) { this.title =; this.image = data.picture_xl; this.type = 'Artist'; = `${}`; this.currentTab = Object.keys(data.releases)[0]; this.sortKey = 'release_date'; this.sortOrder = 'desc'; this.head = [ { title: 'Title', sortKey: 'title' }, { title: 'Release Date', sortKey: 'release_date' }, { title: '', width: '32px' } ]; if (_.isEmpty(data.releases)) { this.body = null; } else { this.body = data.releases; } } }, computed: { showTable() { if (this.body) return _.orderBy(this.body[this.currentTab], this.sortKey, this.sortOrder) else return [] } }, mounted() { socket.on('show_artist', this.showArtist); } }).$mount('#artist_tab'); /* ===== Globals ====== */ window.preview_max_volume = 1; /* ===== Locals ===== */ let preview_track = document.getElementById('preview-track'); let preview_stopped = true; // init stuff function init$2() { preview_track.volume = 1; /*preview_max_volume = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("previewVolume")) if (preview_max_volume === null){ preview_max_volume = 0.8 localStorage.setItem("previewVolume", preview_max_volume) }*/ // start playing when track loaded preview_track.addEventListener('canplay', function () {; preview_stopped = false; $(preview_track).animate({ volume: preview_max_volume }, 500); }); // auto fadeout when at the end of the song preview_track.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () { if (preview_track.currentTime > preview_track.duration - 1) { $(preview_track).animate({ volume: 0 }, 800); preview_stopped = true; $('a[playing] > .preview_controls').css({ opacity: 0 }); $('*').removeAttr('playing'); $('.preview_controls').text('play_arrow'); $('.preview_playlist_controls').text('play_arrow'); } }); } // on modal closing function stopStackedTabsPreview() { if ( $('.preview_playlist_controls').filter(function () { return $(this).attr('playing') }).length > 0 ) { $(preview_track).animate({ volume: 0 }, 800); preview_stopped = true; $('.preview_playlist_controls').removeAttr('playing'); $('.preview_playlist_controls').text('play_arrow'); } } // on hover event function previewMouseEnter(e) { $(e.currentTarget).css({ opacity: 1 }); } function previewMouseLeave(e) { let obj = e.currentTarget; if (($(obj).parent().attr('playing') && preview_stopped) || !$(obj).parent().attr('playing')) { $(obj).css({ opacity: 0 }, 200); } } // on click event function playPausePreview(e) { e.preventDefault(); let obj = e.currentTarget; var icon = obj.tagName == 'I' ? $(obj) : $(obj).children('i'); if ($(obj).attr('playing')) { if (preview_track.paused) {; preview_stopped = false; icon.text('pause'); $(preview_track).animate({ volume: preview_max_volume }, 500); } else { preview_stopped = true; icon.text('play_arrow'); $(preview_track).animate({ volume: 0 }, 250, 'swing', () => { preview_track.pause(); }); } } else { $('*').removeAttr('playing'); $(obj).attr('playing', true); $('.preview_controls').text('play_arrow'); $('.preview_playlist_controls').text('play_arrow'); $('.preview_controls').css({ opacity: 0 }); icon.text('pause'); icon.css({ opacity: 1 }); preview_stopped = false; $(preview_track).animate({ volume: 0 }, 250, 'swing', () => { preview_track.pause(); $('#preview-track_source').prop('src', $(obj).data('preview')); preview_track.load(); }); } } var TrackPreview = { init: init$2, stopStackedTabsPreview, previewMouseEnter, previewMouseLeave, playPausePreview }; const TracklistTab = new Vue({ data: () => ({ title: '', metadata: '', release_date: '', label: '', explicit: false, image: '', type: '', link: '', head: null, body: [] }), methods: { artistView, albumView, playPausePreview: TrackPreview.playPausePreview, reset() { this.title = 'Loading...'; this.image = ''; this.metadata = ''; this.label = ''; this.release_date = ''; this.explicit = false; this.type = ''; this.head = []; this.body = []; }, addToQueue(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Downloads.sendAddToQueue(; }, openQualityModal(e) { QualityModal$; }, toggleAll(e) { this.body.forEach(item => { if (item.type == 'track') { item.selected = e.currentTarget.checked; } }); }, selectedLinks() { var selected = []; if (this.body) { this.body.forEach(item => { if (item.type == 'track' && item.selected) selected.push(this.type == "Spotify Playlist" ? item.uri :; }); } return selected.join(';') }, convertDuration(duration) { //convert from seconds only to mm:ss format let mm, ss; mm = Math.floor(duration / 60); ss = duration - mm * 60; //add leading zero if ss < 0 if (ss < 10) { ss = '0' + ss; } return mm + ':' + ss }, showAlbum(data) { this.type = 'Album'; = `${}`; this.title = data.title; this.explicit = data.explicit_lyrics; this.label = data.label; this.metadata = `${} • ${data.tracks.length} songs`; this.release_date = data.release_date.substring(0, 10); this.image = data.cover_xl; this.head = [ { title: 'music_note', width: '24px' }, { title: '#' }, { title: 'Song' }, { title: 'Artist' }, { title: 'timer', width: '40px' } ]; if (_.isEmpty(data.tracks)) { console.log('show e lodash ok'); this.body = null; } else { this.body = data.tracks; } }, showPlaylist(data) { this.type = 'Playlist'; = `${}`; this.title = data.title; this.image = data.picture_xl; this.release_date = data.creation_date.substring(0, 10); this.metadata = `by ${} • ${data.tracks.length} songs`; this.head = [ { title: 'music_note', width: '24px' }, { title: '#' }, { title: 'Song' }, { title: 'Artist' }, { title: 'Album' }, { title: 'timer', width: '40px' } ]; if (_.isEmpty(data.tracks)) { this.body = null; } else { this.body = data.tracks; } }, showSpotifyPlaylist(data) { this.type = 'Spotify Playlist'; = data.uri; this.title =; this.image = data.images.length ? data.images[0].url : ""; this.release_date = ""; this.metadata = `by ${data.owner.display_name} • ${data.tracks.length} songs`; this.head = [ { title: 'music_note', width: '24px' }, { title: '#' }, { title: 'Song' }, { title: 'Artist' }, { title: 'Album' }, { title: 'timer', width: '40px' } ]; if (_.isEmpty(data.tracks)) { this.body = null; } else { this.body = data.tracks; } } }, mounted() { socket.on('show_album', this.showAlbum); socket.on('show_playlist', this.showPlaylist); socket.on('show_spotifyplaylist', this.showSpotifyPlaylist); } }).$mount('#tracklist_tab'); function isValidURL(text) { let lowerCaseText = text.toLowerCase(); if (lowerCaseText.startsWith('http')) { if (lowerCaseText.indexOf('') >= 0 || lowerCaseText.indexOf('') >= 0) { return true } } else if (lowerCaseText.startsWith('spotify:')) { return true } return false } function convertDuration(duration) { // convert from seconds only to mm:ss format let mm, ss; mm = Math.floor(duration / 60); ss = duration - mm * 60; //add leading zero if ss < 0 if (ss < 10) { ss = '0' + ss; } return mm + ':' + ss } function convertDurationSeparated(duration) { let hh, mm, ss; mm = Math.floor(duration / 60); hh = Math.floor(mm / 60); ss = duration - mm * 60; mm -= hh * 60; return [hh, mm, ss] } function numberWithDots(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '.') } // On scroll event, returns currentTarget = null // Probably on other events too function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this; var args = arguments; var later = function () { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); } } const COUNTRIES = { AF: 'Afghanistan', AX: '\u00c5land Islands', AL: 'Albania', DZ: 'Algeria', AS: 'American Samoa', AD: 'Andorra', AO: 'Angola', AI: 'Anguilla', AQ: 'Antarctica', AG: 'Antigua and Barbuda', AR: 'Argentina', AM: 'Armenia', AW: 'Aruba', AU: 'Australia', AT: 'Austria', AZ: 'Azerbaijan', BS: 'Bahamas', BH: 'Bahrain', BD: 'Bangladesh', BB: 'Barbados', BY: 'Belarus', BE: 'Belgium', BZ: 'Belize', BJ: 'Benin', BM: 'Bermuda', BT: 'Bhutan', BO: 'Bolivia, Plurinational State of', BQ: 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba', BA: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', BW: 'Botswana', BV: 'Bouvet Island', BR: 'Brazil', IO: 'British Indian Ocean Territory', BN: 'Brunei Darussalam', BG: 'Bulgaria', BF: 'Burkina Faso', BI: 'Burundi', KH: 'Cambodia', CM: 'Cameroon', CA: 'Canada', CV: 'Cape Verde', KY: 'Cayman Islands', CF: 'Central African Republic', TD: 'Chad', CL: 'Chile', CN: 'China', CX: 'Christmas Island', CC: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', CO: 'Colombia', KM: 'Comoros', CG: 'Congo', CD: 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the', CK: 'Cook Islands', CR: 'Costa Rica', CI: "C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", HR: 'Croatia', CU: 'Cuba', CW: 'Cura\u00e7ao', CY: 'Cyprus', CZ: 'Czech Republic', DK: 'Denmark', DJ: 'Djibouti', DM: 'Dominica', DO: 'Dominican Republic', EC: 'Ecuador', EG: 'Egypt', SV: 'El Salvador', GQ: 'Equatorial Guinea', ER: 'Eritrea', EE: 'Estonia', ET: 'Ethiopia', FK: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', FO: 'Faroe Islands', FJ: 'Fiji', FI: 'Finland', FR: 'France', GF: 'French Guiana', PF: 'French Polynesia', TF: 'French Southern Territories', GA: 'Gabon', GM: 'Gambia', GE: 'Georgia', DE: 'Germany', GH: 'Ghana', GI: 'Gibraltar', GR: 'Greece', GL: 'Greenland', GD: 'Grenada', GP: 'Guadeloupe', GU: 'Guam', GT: 'Guatemala', GG: 'Guernsey', GN: 'Guinea', GW: 'Guinea-Bissau', GY: 'Guyana', HT: 'Haiti', HM: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', VA: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', HN: 'Honduras', HK: 'Hong Kong', HU: 'Hungary', IS: 'Iceland', IN: 'India', ID: 'Indonesia', IR: 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', IQ: 'Iraq', IE: 'Ireland', IM: 'Isle of Man', IL: 'Israel', IT: 'Italy', JM: 'Jamaica', JP: 'Japan', JE: 'Jersey', JO: 'Jordan', KZ: 'Kazakhstan', KE: 'Kenya', KI: 'Kiribati', KP: "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", KR: 'Korea, Republic of', KW: 'Kuwait', KG: 'Kyrgyzstan', LA: "Lao People's Democratic Republic", LV: 'Latvia', LB: 'Lebanon', LS: 'Lesotho', LR: 'Liberia', LY: 'Libya', LI: 'Liechtenstein', LT: 'Lithuania', LU: 'Luxembourg', MO: 'Macao', MK: 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of', MG: 'Madagascar', MW: 'Malawi', MY: 'Malaysia', MV: 'Maldives', ML: 'Mali', MT: 'Malta', MH: 'Marshall Islands', MQ: 'Martinique', MR: 'Mauritania', MU: 'Mauritius', YT: 'Mayotte', MX: 'Mexico', FM: 'Micronesia, Federated States of', MD: 'Moldova, Republic of', MC: 'Monaco', MN: 'Mongolia', ME: 'Montenegro', MS: 'Montserrat', MA: 'Morocco', MZ: 'Mozambique', MM: 'Myanmar', NA: 'Namibia', NR: 'Nauru', NP: 'Nepal', NL: 'Netherlands', NC: 'New Caledonia', NZ: 'New Zealand', NI: 'Nicaragua', NE: 'Niger', NG: 'Nigeria', NU: 'Niue', NF: 'Norfolk Island', MP: 'Northern Mariana Islands', NO: 'Norway', OM: 'Oman', PK: 'Pakistan', PW: 'Palau', PS: 'Palestine, State of', PA: 'Panama', PG: 'Papua New Guinea', PY: 'Paraguay', PE: 'Peru', PH: 'Philippines', PN: 'Pitcairn', PL: 'Poland', PT: 'Portugal', PR: 'Puerto Rico', QA: 'Qatar', RE: 'R\u00e9union', RO: 'Romania', RU: 'Russian Federation', RW: 'Rwanda', BL: 'Saint Barth\u00e9lemy', SH: 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', KN: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', LC: 'Saint Lucia', MF: 'Saint Martin (French part)', PM: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', VC: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', WS: 'Samoa', SM: 'San Marino', ST: 'Sao Tome and Principe', SA: 'Saudi Arabia', SN: 'Senegal', RS: 'Serbia', SC: 'Seychelles', SL: 'Sierra Leone', SG: 'Singapore', SX: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', SK: 'Slovakia', SI: 'Slovenia', SB: 'Solomon Islands', SO: 'Somalia', ZA: 'South Africa', GS: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', SS: 'South Sudan', ES: 'Spain', LK: 'Sri Lanka', SD: 'Sudan', SR: 'Suriname', SJ: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', SZ: 'Swaziland', SE: 'Sweden', CH: 'Switzerland', SY: 'Syrian Arab Republic', TW: 'Taiwan, Province of China', TJ: 'Tajikistan', TZ: 'Tanzania, United Republic of', TH: 'Thailand', TL: 'Timor-Leste', TG: 'Togo', TK: 'Tokelau', TO: 'Tonga', TT: 'Trinidad and Tobago', TN: 'Tunisia', TR: 'Turkey', TM: 'Turkmenistan', TC: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', TV: 'Tuvalu', UG: 'Uganda', UA: 'Ukraine', AE: 'United Arab Emirates', GB: 'United Kingdom', US: 'United States', UM: 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', UY: 'Uruguay', UZ: 'Uzbekistan', VU: 'Vanuatu', VE: 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of', VN: 'Viet Nam', VG: 'Virgin Islands, British', VI: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.', WF: 'Wallis and Futuna', EH: 'Western Sahara', YE: 'Yemen', ZM: 'Zambia', ZW: 'Zimbabwe' }; var Utils = { isValidURL, convertDuration, convertDurationSeparated, numberWithDots, debounce, COUNTRIES }; const LinkAnalyzerTab = new Vue({ data() { return { title: '', subtitle: '', image: '', data: {}, type: '', link: '', countries: [] } }, methods: { albumView, convertDuration: Utils.convertDuration, reset() { this.title = 'Loading...'; this.subtitle = ''; this.image = ''; = {}; this.type = ''; = ''; this.countries = []; }, showTrack(data) { this.title = data.title + (data.title_version && data.title.indexOf(data.title_version) == -1 ? ' ' + data.title_version : ''); this.subtitle = `by ${}\nin ${data.album.title}`; this.image = data.album.cover_xl; this.type = 'track'; =; data.available_countries.forEach(cc => { let temp = []; let chars = [].map(c => c.charCodeAt() + 127397); temp.push(String.fromCodePoint(...chars)); temp.push(Utils.COUNTRIES[cc]); this.countries.push(temp); }); = data; }, showAlbum(data) { console.log(data); this.title = data.title; this.subtitle = `by ${}\n${data.nb_tracks} tracks`; this.image = data.cover_xl; this.type = 'album'; =; = data; } }, mounted() { socket.on('analyze_track', this.showTrack); socket.on('analyze_album', this.showAlbum); } }).$mount('#analyzer_tab'); const HomeTab = new Vue({ data() { return { tracks: [], albums: [], artists: [], playlists: [] } }, methods: { artistView, albumView, playlistView, playPausePreview: TrackPreview.playPausePreview, previewMouseEnter: TrackPreview.previewMouseEnter, previewMouseLeave: TrackPreview.previewMouseLeave, numberWithDots: Utils.numberWithDots, convertDuration: Utils.convertDuration, addToQueue(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Downloads.sendAddToQueue(; }, openQualityModal(e) { QualityModal$; }, initHome(data) { this.tracks =; this.albums =; this.artists =; this.playlists =; } }, mounted() { socket.on('init_home', this.initHome); } }).$mount('#home_tab'); const ChartsTab = new Vue({ data() { return { country: '', id: 0, countries: [], chart: [] } }, methods: { artistView, albumView, playPausePreview: TrackPreview.playPausePreview, previewMouseEnter: TrackPreview.previewMouseEnter, previewMouseLeave: TrackPreview.previewMouseLeave, convertDuration: Utils.convertDuration, addToQueue(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Downloads.sendAddToQueue(; }, openQualityModal(e) { QualityModal$; }, getTrackList(e){ = e.currentTarget.dataset.title; localStorage.setItem('chart',; =; socket.emit('getChartTracks',; }, setTracklist(data){ this.chart = data; }, changeCountry(){ = ''; = 0; }, initCharts(data) { this.countries = data; = localStorage.getItem('chart') || ''; if ({ let i = 0; for (i; i < this.countries.length; i++) if (this.countries[i].title == break if (i != this.countries.length){ = this.countries[i].id; socket.emit('getChartTracks',; }else { = ''; localStorage.setItem('chart',; } } } }, mounted() { socket.on('init_charts', this.initCharts); socket.on('setChartTracks', this.setTracklist); } }).$mount('#charts_tab'); const FavoritesTab = new Vue({ data() { return { tracks: [], albums: [], artists: [], playlists: [], spotifyPlaylists: [] } }, methods: { playlistView, artistView, albumView, spotifyPlaylistView, playPausePreview: TrackPreview.playPausePreview, previewMouseEnter: TrackPreview.previewMouseEnter, previewMouseLeave: TrackPreview.previewMouseLeave, convertDuration: Utils.convertDuration, addToQueue(e) { e.stopPropagation(); Downloads.sendAddToQueue(; }, openQualityModal(e) { QualityModal$; }, updated_userSpotifyPlaylists(data){this.spotifyPlaylists = data;}, updated_userPlaylists(data){this.playlists = data;}, updated_userAlbums(data){this.albums = data;}, updated_userArtist(data){this.artists = data;}, updated_userTracks(data){this.tracks = data;}, initFavorites(data) { this.tracks = data.tracks; this.albums = data.albums; this.artists = data.artists; this.playlists = data.playlists; document.getElementById('favorites_playlist_tab').click(); } }, mounted() { socket.on('init_favorites', this.initFavorites); socket.on('updated_userSpotifyPlaylists', this.updated_userSpotifyPlaylists); socket.on('updated_userPlaylists', this.updated_userPlaylists); socket.on('updated_userAlbums', this.updated_userAlbums); socket.on('updated_userArtist', this.updated_userArtist); socket.on('updated_userTracks', this.updated_userTracks); } }).$mount('#favorites_tab'); const SettingsTab = new Vue({ data: () => ({ settings: { tags: {} }, lastSettings: {}, spotifyFeatures: {}, lastCredentials: {}, defaultSettings: {}, lastUser: '', spotifyUser: '', darkMode: false, slimDownloads: false }), computed: { changeDarkMode: { get() { return this.darkMode }, set(wantDarkMode) { this.darkMode = wantDarkMode; document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', wantDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'default'); localStorage.setItem('darkMode', wantDarkMode); } }, changeSlimDownloads: { get() { return this.slimDownloads }, set(wantSlimDownloads) { this.slimDownloads = wantSlimDownloads; document.getElementById('download_list').classList.toggle('slim', wantSlimDownloads); localStorage.setItem('slimDownloads', wantSlimDownloads); } } }, methods: { copyARLtoClipboard() { let copyText = this.$refs.loginInput; copyText.setAttribute('type', 'text');; copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); document.execCommand('copy'); copyText.setAttribute('type', 'password'); toast('ARL copied to clipboard', 'assignment'); }, saveSettings() { this.lastSettings = { ...this.settings }; this.lastCredentials = { ...this.spotifyFeatures }; let changed = false; if (this.lastUser != this.spotifyUser) { // force cloning without linking this.lastUser = (' ' + this.spotifyUser).slice(1); localStorage.setItem('spotifyUser', this.lastUser); changed = true; } socket.emit('saveSettings', this.lastSettings, this.lastCredentials, changed ? this.lastUser : false); console.log(this.darkMode); }, loadSettings(settings, spotifyCredentials, defaults = null) { if (defaults) { this.defaultSettings = { ...defaults }; } this.lastSettings = { ...settings }; this.lastCredentials = { ...spotifyCredentials }; this.settings = settings; this.spotifyFeatures = spotifyCredentials; }, login() { let arl = this.$refs.loginInput.value; if (arl != '' && arl != localStorage.getItem('arl')) { socket.emit('login', arl, true); } }, logout() { socket.emit('logout'); }, initSettings(settings, credentials, defaults) { this.loadSettings(settings, credentials, defaults); toast('Settings loaded!', 'settings'); }, updateSettings(settings, credentials) { this.loadSettings(settings, credentials); toast('Settings updated!', 'settings'); }, resetSettings() { this.settings = { ...this.defaultSettings }; } }, mounted() { socket.on('init_settings', this.initSettings); socket.on('updateSettings', this.updateSettings); let spotyUser = localStorage.getItem('spotifyUser'); if ('' !== spotyUser) { this.lastUser = spotyUser; this.spotifyUser = spotyUser; } this.changeDarkMode = 'true' === localStorage.getItem('darkMode'); this.changeSlimDownloads = 'true' === localStorage.getItem('slimDownloads'); } }).$mount('#settings_tab'); const MainSearch = new Vue({ data: { names: { TOP_RESULT: 'Top Result', TRACK: 'Tracks', ARTIST: 'Artists', ALBUM: 'Albums', PLAYLIST: 'Playlists' }, results: { query: '', allTab: { ORDER: [], TOP_RESULT: [], ALBUM: {}, ARTIST: {}, TRACK: {}, PLAYLIST: {} }, trackTab: { data: [], next: 0, total: 0, loaded: false }, albumTab: { data: [], next: 0, total: 0, loaded: false }, artistTab: { data: [], next: 0, total: 0, loaded: false }, playlistTab: { data: [], next: 0, total: 0, loaded: false } } }, methods: { artistView, albumView, playlistView, playPausePreview: TrackPreview.playPausePreview, previewMouseEnter: TrackPreview.previewMouseEnter, previewMouseLeave: TrackPreview.previewMouseLeave, handleClickTopResult(event) { let topResultType = this.results.allTab.TOP_RESULT[0].type; switch (topResultType) { case 'artist': this.artistView(event); break case 'album': this.albumView(event); break case 'playlist': this.playlistView(event); break } }, changeSearchTab(section) { if (section != 'TOP_RESULT') { document.getElementById(`search_${section.toLowerCase()}_tab`).click(); } }, addToQueue: function (e) { Downloads.sendAddToQueue(; }, openQualityModal: function (e) { QualityModal$; }, numberWithDots: Utils.numberWithDots, convertDuration: Utils.convertDuration, search(type) { socket.emit('search', { term: this.results.query, type: type, start: this.results[type + 'Tab'].next, nb: 30 }); }, scrolledSearch(type) { if (this.results[type + 'Tab'].next < this.results[type + 'Tab'].total) { socket.emit('search', { term: this.results.query, type: type, start: this.results[type + 'Tab'].next, nb: 30 }); } }, handleMainSearch(result) { let resetObj = { data: [], next: 0, total: 0, loaded: false }; this.results.allTab = result; this.results.query = result.QUERY; this.results.trackTab = { ...resetObj }; this.results.albumTab = { ...resetObj }; this.results.artistTab = { ...resetObj }; this.results.playlistTab = { ...resetObj }; document.getElementById('search_all_tab').click(); document.getElementById('search_tab_content').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('main_search_tablink').click(); }, handleSearch(result) { let next = 0; if ( { next = parseInt(\d*)/)[1]); } else { next =; } if (this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].total != { this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].total =; } if (this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].next != next) { this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].next = next; this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].data = this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].data.concat(; } this.results[result.type + 'Tab'].loaded = true; } }, mounted() { socket.on('mainSearch', this.handleMainSearch); socket.on('search', this.handleSearch); } }).$mount('#search_tab'); /* ===== Globals ====== */ window.search_selected = ''; window.main_selected = ''; window.windows_stack = []; /* ===== Locals ===== */ let currentStack = {}; // Exporting this function out of the default export // because it's used in components that are needed // in this file too function artistView(ev) { let id =; ArtistTab.reset(); socket.emit('getTracklist', { type: 'artist', id: id }); showTab('artist', id); } // Exporting this function out of the default export // because it's used in components that are needed // in this file too function albumView(ev) { let id =; TracklistTab.reset(); socket.emit('getTracklist', { type: 'album', id: id }); showTab('album', id); } // Exporting this function out of the default export // because it's used in components that are needed // in this file too function playlistView(ev) { let id =; TracklistTab.reset(); socket.emit('getTracklist', { type: 'playlist', id: id }); showTab('playlist', id); } function spotifyPlaylistView(ev) { let id =; TracklistTab.reset(); socket.emit('getTracklist', { type: 'spotifyplaylist', id: id }); showTab('spotifyplaylist', id); } function analyzeLink(link) { console.log('Analyzing: ' + link); LinkAnalyzerTab.reset(); socket.emit('analyzeLink', link); } function linkListeners$2() { document.getElementById('search_tab').addEventListener('click', handleSearchTabClick); document.getElementById('favorites_tab').addEventListener('click', handleFavoritesTabClick); document.getElementById('sidebar').addEventListener('click', handleSidebarClick); const backButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('back-button')); backButtons.forEach(button => { button.addEventListener('click', backTab); }); } /** * Handles click Event on the sidebar and changes tab * according to clicked icon. * Uses event delegation * @param {Event} event * @since 0.1.0 */ function handleSidebarClick(event) { if (!('.main_tablinks') ||'.main_tablinks'))) { return } let sidebarEl ='.main_tablinks') ? :; let targetID = sidebarEl.getAttribute('id'); switch (targetID) { case 'main_search_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'search_tab'); break case 'main_home_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'home_tab'); break case 'main_charts_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'charts_tab'); break case 'main_favorites_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'favorites_tab'); break case 'main_analyzer_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'analyzer_tab'); break case 'main_settings_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'settings_tab'); break case 'main_about_tablink': changeTab(sidebarEl, 'main', 'about_tab'); break } } function handleSearchTabClick(event) { let targetID =; switch (targetID) { case 'search_all_tab': changeTab(, 'search', 'main_search'); break case 'search_track_tab': changeTab(, 'search', 'track_search'); break case 'search_album_tab': changeTab(, 'search', 'album_search'); break case 'search_artist_tab': changeTab(, 'search', 'artist_search'); break case 'search_playlist_tab': changeTab(, 'search', 'playlist_search'); break } } function handleFavoritesTabClick(event) { let targetID =; switch (targetID) { case 'favorites_playlist_tab': changeTab(, 'favorites', 'playlist_favorites'); break case 'favorites_album_tab': changeTab(, 'favorites', 'album_favorites'); break case 'favorites_artist_tab': changeTab(, 'favorites', 'artist_favorites'); break case 'favorites_track_tab': changeTab(, 'favorites', 'track_favorites'); break } } function changeTab(sidebarEl, section, tabName) { windows_stack = []; currentStack = {}; var i, tabcontent, tablinks; tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName(section + '_tabcontent'); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = 'none'; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName(section + '_tablinks'); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].classList.remove('active'); } if (tabName == 'settings_tab' && main_selected != 'settings_tab') { SettingsTab.settings = { ...SettingsTab.lastSettings }; SettingsTab.spotifyCredentials = { ...SettingsTab.lastCredentials }; SettingsTab.spotifyUser = (' ' + SettingsTab.lastUser).slice(1); } document.getElementById(tabName).style.display = 'block'; if ('main' === section) { main_selected = tabName; } else if ('search' === section) { search_selected = tabName; } // Not choosing .currentTarget beacuse the event // is delegated sidebarEl.classList.add('active'); // Check if you need to load more content in the search tab if ( main_selected == 'search_tab' && ['track_search', 'album_search', 'artist_search', 'playlist_search'].indexOf(search_selected) != -1 && MainSearch.results[search_selected.split('_')[0] + 'Tab'].data.length == 0 ) {'_')[0]); } } function showTab(type, id, back = false) { if (windows_stack.length == 0) { windows_stack.push({ tab: main_selected }); } else if (!back) { windows_stack.push(currentStack); } = type == 'artist' ? 'artist_tab' : 'tracklist_tab'; currentStack = { type: type, id: id }; let tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName('main_tabcontent'); for (let i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = 'none'; } document.getElementById(tab).style.display = 'block'; TrackPreview.stopStackedTabsPreview(); } function backTab() { if (windows_stack.length == 1) { document.getElementById(`main_${main_selected}link`).click(); } else { let tabObj = windows_stack.pop(); if (tabObj.type == 'artist') { ArtistTab.reset(); } else { TracklistTab.reset(); } socket.emit('getTracklist', { type: tabObj.type, id: }); showTab(tabObj.type,, true); } TrackPreview.stopStackedTabsPreview(); } var Tabs = { linkListeners: linkListeners$2, artistView, albumView, playlistView, analyzeLink }; function linkListeners$3() { document.getElementById('content').addEventListener('scroll', Utils.debounce(handleContentScroll, 100)); document.getElementById('searchbar').addEventListener('keyup', handleSearchBarKeyup); } // Load more content when the search page is at the end function handleContentScroll(event) { let contentElement =; if (contentElement.scrollTop + contentElement.clientHeight >= contentElement.scrollHeight) { if ( main_selected === 'search_tab' && ['track_search', 'album_search', 'artist_search', 'playlist_search'].indexOf(search_selected) != -1 ) { MainSearch.scrolledSearch(search_selected.split('_')[0]); } } } function handleSearchBarKeyup(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { let term = this.value; if (Utils.isValidURL(term)) { if (e.ctrlKey) { QualityModal$; } else { if (window.main_selected == 'analyzer_tab') { Tabs.analyzeLink(term); } else { Downloads.sendAddToQueue(term); } } } else { if (term != MainSearch.query || main_selected == 'search_tab') { document.getElementById('search_tab_content').style.display = 'none'; socket.emit('mainSearch', { term: term }); } else { document.getElementById('search_all_tab').click(); document.getElementById('search_tab_content').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('main_search_tablink').click(); } } } } var Search = { linkListeners: linkListeners$3 }; /* ===== Socketio listeners ===== */ // Debug messages for socketio socket.on('message', function (msg) { console.log(msg); }); socket.on('logging_in', function () { toast('Logging in', 'loading', false, 'login-toast'); }); socket.on('logged_in', function (data) { switch (data.status) { case 1: case 3: toast('Logged in', 'done', true, 'login-toast'); if (data.arl) { localStorage.setItem('arl', data.arl); $('#login_input_arl').val(data.arl); } $('#open_login_prompt').hide(); if (data.user) { $('#settings_username').text(; $('#settings_picture').attr( 'src', `${data.user.picture}/125x125-000000-80-0-0.jpg` ); // $('#logged_in_info').show() document.getElementById('logged_in_info').classList.remove('hide'); } break case 2: toast('Already logged in', 'done', true, 'login-toast'); if (data.user) { $('#settings_username').text(; $('#settings_picture').attr( 'src', `${data.user.picture}/125x125-000000-80-0-0.jpg` ); // $('#logged_in_info').show() document.getElementById('logged_in_info').classList.remove('hide'); } break case 0: toast("Couldn't log in", 'close', true, 'login-toast'); localStorage.removeItem('arl'); $('#login_input_arl').val(''); $('#open_login_prompt').show(); document.getElementById('logged_in_info').classList.add('hide'); // $('#logged_in_info').hide() $('#settings_username').text('Not Logged'); $('#settings_picture').attr('src', ``); break } }); socket.on('logged_out', function () { toast('Logged out', 'done', true, 'login-toast'); localStorage.removeItem('arl'); $('#login_input_arl').val(''); $('#open_login_prompt').show(); document.getElementById('logged_in_info').classList.add('hide'); // $('#logged_in_info').hide() $('#settings_username').text('Not Logged'); $('#settings_picture').attr('src', ``); }); /* ===== App initialization ===== */ function startApp() { Downloads.init(); QualityModal$1.init(); Tabs.linkListeners(); Search.linkListeners(); TrackPreview.init(); document.getElementById('logged_in_info').classList.add('hide'); if (localStorage.getItem('arl')) { let arl = localStorage.getItem('arl'); socket.emit('login', arl); $('#login_input_arl').val(arl); } if ('true' === localStorage.getItem('slimDownloads')) { document.getElementById('download_list').classList.add('slim'); } let spotifyUser = localStorage.getItem('spotifyUser'); if (spotifyUser != '') { socket.emit('update_userSpotifyPlaylists', spotifyUser); } // Open default tab document.getElementById('main_home_tablink').click(); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startApp); //#