10 lines
898 B
10 lines
898 B
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# test write access to download and config folder and test internet connectivity
printf '[cont-init.d] Testing Access\n' && \
printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Container Builddate" ":" "$BUILDDATEENV" && \
if [ -w "/downloads" ]; then printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Download Folder Write Access" ":" "Success"; else printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Download Folder Write Access" ":" "Failure"; fi && \
if [ -w "/config" ]; then printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Config Folder Write Access" ":" "Success"; else printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Config Folder Write Access" ":" "Failure"; fi && \
until curl --fail -sf www.deezer.com; do printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Internet Access" ":" "Failure. Trying again in 5 seconds"; sleep 5; done
printf '%-50s %2s %-5s \n' "[cont-init.d] Internet Access" ":" "Success"