// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:artemis/artemis.dart'; import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart'; import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:gql/ast.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'package:imagini/helpers/upload_serializer.dart'; part 'imagini_graphql.graphql.g.dart'; @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Me$Query$User with EquatableMixin { Me$Query$User(); factory Me$Query$User.fromJson(Map json) => _$Me$Query$UserFromJson(json); String id; DateTime createdAt; DateTime updatedAt; String email; String username; String firstName; String lastName; @JsonKey(unknownEnumValue: Role.artemisUnknown) Role role; @JsonKey(unknownEnumValue: AuthType.artemisUnknown) AuthType authType; @override List get props => [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, email, username, firstName, lastName, role, authType ]; Map toJson() => _$Me$Query$UserToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Me$Query with EquatableMixin { Me$Query(); factory Me$Query.fromJson(Map json) => _$Me$QueryFromJson(json); Me$Query$User me; @override List get props => [me]; Map toJson() => _$Me$QueryToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Login$Query$AuthResponse$Device with EquatableMixin { Login$Query$AuthResponse$Device(); factory Login$Query$AuthResponse$Device.fromJson(Map json) => _$Login$Query$AuthResponse$DeviceFromJson(json); String id; @override List get props => [id]; Map toJson() => _$Login$Query$AuthResponse$DeviceToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Login$Query$AuthResponse with EquatableMixin { Login$Query$AuthResponse(); factory Login$Query$AuthResponse.fromJson(Map json) => _$Login$Query$AuthResponseFromJson(json); @JsonKey(unknownEnumValue: AuthResult.artemisUnknown) AuthResult result; Login$Query$AuthResponse$Device device; @override List get props => [result, device]; Map toJson() => _$Login$Query$AuthResponseToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Login$Query with EquatableMixin { Login$Query(); factory Login$Query.fromJson(Map json) => _$Login$QueryFromJson(json); Login$Query$AuthResponse login; @override List get props => [login]; Map toJson() => _$Login$QueryToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class CreateMediaItem$Mutation$MediaItem with EquatableMixin { CreateMediaItem$Mutation$MediaItem(); factory CreateMediaItem$Mutation$MediaItem.fromJson( Map json) => _$CreateMediaItem$Mutation$MediaItemFromJson(json); String id; DateTime createdAt; DateTime updatedAt; DateTime exifDate; double latitude; double longitude; bool isVideo; String fileName; String origName; String userID; @override List get props => [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, exifDate, latitude, longitude, isVideo, fileName, origName, userID ]; Map toJson() => _$CreateMediaItem$Mutation$MediaItemToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class CreateMediaItem$Mutation with EquatableMixin { CreateMediaItem$Mutation(); factory CreateMediaItem$Mutation.fromJson(Map json) => _$CreateMediaItem$MutationFromJson(json); CreateMediaItem$Mutation$MediaItem createMediaItem; @override List get props => [createMediaItem]; Map toJson() => _$CreateMediaItem$MutationToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$MediaItem with EquatableMixin { MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$MediaItem(); factory MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$MediaItem.fromJson( Map json) => _$MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$MediaItemFromJson(json); String id; String fileName; double latitude; double longitude; bool isVideo; int width; int height; String origName; DateTime createdAt; @override List get props => [ id, fileName, latitude, longitude, isVideo, width, height, origName, createdAt ]; Map toJson() => _$MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$MediaItemToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$PageResponse with EquatableMixin { MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$PageResponse(); factory MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$PageResponse.fromJson( Map json) => _$MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$PageResponseFromJson(json); int size; int page; int total; @override List get props => [size, page, total]; Map toJson() => _$MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$PageResponseToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse with EquatableMixin { MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse(); factory MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse.fromJson( Map json) => _$MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponseFromJson(json); List data; MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse$PageResponse page; @override List get props => [data, page]; Map toJson() => _$MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponseToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class MediaItems$Query with EquatableMixin { MediaItems$Query(); factory MediaItems$Query.fromJson(Map json) => _$MediaItems$QueryFromJson(json); MediaItems$Query$MediaItemResponse mediaItems; @override List get props => [mediaItems]; Map toJson() => _$MediaItems$QueryToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class TimeFilter with EquatableMixin { TimeFilter( {this.equalTo, this.notEqualTo, this.lessThan, this.lessThanOrEqualTo, this.greaterThan, this.greaterThanOrEqualTo}); factory TimeFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$TimeFilterFromJson(json); DateTime equalTo; DateTime notEqualTo; DateTime lessThan; DateTime lessThanOrEqualTo; DateTime greaterThan; DateTime greaterThanOrEqualTo; @override List get props => [ equalTo, notEqualTo, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo ]; Map toJson() => _$TimeFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class FloatFilter with EquatableMixin { FloatFilter( {this.equalTo, this.notEqualTo, this.lessThan, this.lessThanOrEqualTo, this.greaterThan, this.greaterThanOrEqualTo}); factory FloatFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$FloatFilterFromJson(json); double equalTo; double notEqualTo; double lessThan; double lessThanOrEqualTo; double greaterThan; double greaterThanOrEqualTo; @override List get props => [ equalTo, notEqualTo, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo ]; Map toJson() => _$FloatFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class BooleanFilter with EquatableMixin { BooleanFilter({this.equalTo, this.notEqualTo}); factory BooleanFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$BooleanFilterFromJson(json); bool equalTo; bool notEqualTo; @override List get props => [equalTo, notEqualTo]; Map toJson() => _$BooleanFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class IDFilter with EquatableMixin { IDFilter({this.equalTo, this.notEqualTo}); factory IDFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$IDFilterFromJson(json); String equalTo; String notEqualTo; @override List get props => [equalTo, notEqualTo]; Map toJson() => _$IDFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class StringFilter with EquatableMixin { StringFilter( {this.equalTo, this.notEqualTo, this.startsWith, this.notStartsWith, this.endsWith, this.notEndsWith, this.contains, this.notContains}); factory StringFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$StringFilterFromJson(json); String equalTo; String notEqualTo; String startsWith; String notStartsWith; String endsWith; String notEndsWith; String contains; String notContains; @override List get props => [ equalTo, notEqualTo, startsWith, notStartsWith, endsWith, notEndsWith, contains, notContains ]; Map toJson() => _$StringFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class MediaItemFilter with EquatableMixin { MediaItemFilter( {this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, this.exifDate, this.latitude, this.longitude, this.isVideo, this.origName, this.tags, this.albums}); factory MediaItemFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$MediaItemFilterFromJson(json); IDFilter id; TimeFilter createdAt; TimeFilter updatedAt; TimeFilter exifDate; FloatFilter latitude; FloatFilter longitude; BooleanFilter isVideo; StringFilter origName; TagFilter tags; AlbumFilter albums; @override List get props => [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, exifDate, latitude, longitude, isVideo, origName, tags, albums ]; Map toJson() => _$MediaItemFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class TagFilter with EquatableMixin { TagFilter({this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, this.name}); factory TagFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$TagFilterFromJson(json); IDFilter id; TimeFilter createdAt; TimeFilter updatedAt; StringFilter name; @override List get props => [id, createdAt, updatedAt, name]; Map toJson() => _$TagFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class AlbumFilter with EquatableMixin { AlbumFilter({this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, this.name}); factory AlbumFilter.fromJson(Map json) => _$AlbumFilterFromJson(json); IDFilter id; TimeFilter createdAt; TimeFilter updatedAt; StringFilter name; @override List get props => [id, createdAt, updatedAt, name]; Map toJson() => _$AlbumFilterToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Page with EquatableMixin { Page({this.size, this.page}); factory Page.fromJson(Map json) => _$PageFromJson(json); int size; int page; @override List get props => [size, page]; Map toJson() => _$PageToJson(this); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class Order with EquatableMixin { Order({this.by, this.direction}); factory Order.fromJson(Map json) => _$OrderFromJson(json); String by; @JsonKey(unknownEnumValue: OrderDirection.artemisUnknown) OrderDirection direction; @override List get props => [by, direction]; Map toJson() => _$OrderToJson(this); } enum Role { @JsonValue('Admin') admin, @JsonValue('User') user, @JsonValue('ARTEMIS_UNKNOWN') artemisUnknown, } enum AuthType { @JsonValue('Local') local, @JsonValue('LDAP') ldap, @JsonValue('ARTEMIS_UNKNOWN') artemisUnknown, } enum AuthResult { @JsonValue('Success') success, @JsonValue('Failure') failure, @JsonValue('ARTEMIS_UNKNOWN') artemisUnknown, } enum OrderDirection { @JsonValue('ASC') asc, @JsonValue('DESC') desc, @JsonValue('ARTEMIS_UNKNOWN') artemisUnknown, } class MeQuery extends GraphQLQuery { MeQuery(); @override final DocumentNode document = DocumentNode(definitions: [ OperationDefinitionNode( type: OperationType.query, name: NameNode(value: 'me'), variableDefinitions: [], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'me'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'id'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'createdAt'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'updatedAt'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'email'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'username'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'firstName'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'lastName'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'role'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'authType'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null) ])) ])) ]); @override final String operationName = 'me'; @override List get props => [document, operationName]; @override Me$Query parse(Map json) => Me$Query.fromJson(json); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class LoginArguments extends JsonSerializable with EquatableMixin { LoginArguments({@required this.user, @required this.password, this.deviceID}); @override factory LoginArguments.fromJson(Map json) => _$LoginArgumentsFromJson(json); final String user; final String password; final String deviceID; @override List get props => [user, password, deviceID]; @override Map toJson() => _$LoginArgumentsToJson(this); } class LoginQuery extends GraphQLQuery { LoginQuery({this.variables}); @override final DocumentNode document = DocumentNode(definitions: [ OperationDefinitionNode( type: OperationType.query, name: NameNode(value: 'login'), variableDefinitions: [ VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'user')), type: NamedTypeNode( name: NameNode(value: 'String'), isNonNull: true), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []), VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'password')), type: NamedTypeNode( name: NameNode(value: 'String'), isNonNull: true), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []), VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'deviceID')), type: NamedTypeNode(name: NameNode(value: 'ID'), isNonNull: false), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []) ], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'login'), alias: null, arguments: [ ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'user'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'user'))), ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'password'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'password'))), ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'deviceID'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'deviceID'))) ], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'result'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'device'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'id'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null) ])) ])) ])) ]); @override final String operationName = 'login'; @override final LoginArguments variables; @override List get props => [document, operationName, variables]; @override Login$Query parse(Map json) => Login$Query.fromJson(json); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class CreateMediaItemArguments extends JsonSerializable with EquatableMixin { CreateMediaItemArguments({@required this.file}); @override factory CreateMediaItemArguments.fromJson(Map json) => _$CreateMediaItemArgumentsFromJson(json); @JsonKey( fromJson: fromGraphQLUploadToDartMultipartFile, toJson: fromDartMultipartFileToGraphQLUpload) final MultipartFile file; @override List get props => [file]; @override Map toJson() => _$CreateMediaItemArgumentsToJson(this); } class CreateMediaItemMutation extends GraphQLQuery { CreateMediaItemMutation({this.variables}); @override final DocumentNode document = DocumentNode(definitions: [ OperationDefinitionNode( type: OperationType.mutation, name: NameNode(value: 'createMediaItem'), variableDefinitions: [ VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'file')), type: NamedTypeNode( name: NameNode(value: 'Upload'), isNonNull: true), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []) ], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'createMediaItem'), alias: null, arguments: [ ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'input'), value: ObjectValueNode(fields: [ ObjectFieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'file'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'file'))) ])) ], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'id'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'createdAt'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'updatedAt'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'exifDate'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'latitude'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'longitude'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'isVideo'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'fileName'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'origName'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'userID'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null) ])) ])) ]); @override final String operationName = 'createMediaItem'; @override final CreateMediaItemArguments variables; @override List get props => [document, operationName, variables]; @override CreateMediaItem$Mutation parse(Map json) => CreateMediaItem$Mutation.fromJson(json); } @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true) class MediaItemsArguments extends JsonSerializable with EquatableMixin { MediaItemsArguments({this.order, this.page, this.filter}); @override factory MediaItemsArguments.fromJson(Map json) => _$MediaItemsArgumentsFromJson(json); final Order order; final Page page; final MediaItemFilter filter; @override List get props => [order, page, filter]; @override Map toJson() => _$MediaItemsArgumentsToJson(this); } class MediaItemsQuery extends GraphQLQuery { MediaItemsQuery({this.variables}); @override final DocumentNode document = DocumentNode(definitions: [ OperationDefinitionNode( type: OperationType.query, name: NameNode(value: 'mediaItems'), variableDefinitions: [ VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'order')), type: NamedTypeNode( name: NameNode(value: 'Order'), isNonNull: false), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []), VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'page')), type: NamedTypeNode( name: NameNode(value: 'Page'), isNonNull: false), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []), VariableDefinitionNode( variable: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'filter')), type: NamedTypeNode( name: NameNode(value: 'MediaItemFilter'), isNonNull: false), defaultValue: DefaultValueNode(value: null), directives: []) ], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'mediaItems'), alias: null, arguments: [ ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'filter'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'filter'))), ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'page'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'page'))), ArgumentNode( name: NameNode(value: 'order'), value: VariableNode(name: NameNode(value: 'order'))) ], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'data'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'id'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'fileName'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'latitude'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'longitude'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'isVideo'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'width'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'height'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'origName'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'createdAt'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null) ])), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'page'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: SelectionSetNode(selections: [ FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'size'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'page'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null), FieldNode( name: NameNode(value: 'total'), alias: null, arguments: [], directives: [], selectionSet: null) ])) ])) ])) ]); @override final String operationName = 'mediaItems'; @override final MediaItemsArguments variables; @override List get props => [document, operationName, variables]; @override MediaItems$Query parse(Map json) => MediaItems$Query.fromJson(json); }