# Imagini A self hosted photo library with user management & authentication. Cross platform Client supporting Android, iOS, and Web. ## Client See `web_native` [subfolder](./web_native/README.md) ## Server ### Features / Roadmap - [DONE] DB w/ user management - bcrypt salt & hash - [DONE] JWT Access & Refresh Tokens - [DONE] GraphQL API - [DONE] GraphQL multipart upload - [DONE] GraphQL basic filtering, ordering, pagination - [DONE] Uploading images - exif extraction (load db with lat, long, etc) - [DONE] Dynamic image conversion (heif support, width params) - [TODO] ALL the tests - [TODO] GraphQL & DB deletes & update - [TODO] Dockerfile - [TODO] Resolving GraphQL nested queries (e.g. albums, tags) - [TODO] GraphQL nested filters - [TODO] Lots more... TBD ### Dependencies - libvips 8.8+ ### Running CONFIG_PATH=$(pwd) DATA_PATH=$(pwd) go run cmd/main.go serve ## Building # Generate GraphQL Models go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen generate go run cmd/main.go generate # Generate GraphQL Documentation graphdoc -e http://localhost:8484/query -o ./docs/schema