
1.4 KiB

A port scanning web interface that allows you to compare results while storing them to a database.


# Be sure image is built
docker-compose build

# Run compose in background. Service accessible via localhost:5000
docker-compose up -d

# Alternatively, in virtualenv
overseer run


Once you have installed the setup.py and overseer[dev] dependencies, you can run pre-commit to lint all server and client files:

pre-commit run --all-files


# Setup virtual env
python3 -m venv overseer_venv
. overseer_venv/bin/activate

# Link overseer to working directory & install dev dependencies
python setup.py develop easy_install overseer[dev]

# Can use to run the server
overseer run


# Change directory
cd ./src/overseer_client

# On the fly reloading (no server access)
yarn serve

# Build resources and auto populate in server static / template resources
yarn build

# Lint
yarn lint


Once the above development steps are completed, the pytest dependency should be installed:



In a production environment, it would be ideal to setup something like nginx to properly forward the /api/* routes to the Flask server, and all other endpoints to the static client resources.